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Soil moisture and matric potential - An open field comparison of sensor systems

Soil water content and matric potential are central hydrological state variables. A large variety of automated probes and sensor systems for state monitoring exists and is frequently applied. Most studies solely rely on the calibration by the manufacturers. Until now, there is no commonly agreed calibration procedure. Moreover, several believes about the capabilities and reliabilities of specific sensing methods or sensor systems exist and compete. A consortium of several institutions conducted a comparison study of currently available sensor systems for soil moisture and matric potential under field conditions. All probes have been installed in 0.2 m depth under best practise procedure. We present the setup and the recorded data of 58 probes of 15 different systems measuring soil moisture and 50 probes of 14 different systems for matric potential, which have been used during the campaign in 2016. The data is extended by pedophysical analyses of the soil and laboratory reference measurements for calibration.

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Jackisch, Conrad, Andrä, Ines, Germer, Kai, Schulz, Katrin, Schiedung, Marcus, Haller-Jans, Jaqueline, Schneider, Jonas, Jaquemotte, Julia, Helmer, Philipp, Lotz, Leander, Graeff, Thomas, Bauer, Andreas, Hahn, Irene, Sanda, Martin, Kumpan, Monika, Dorner, Johann, de Rooij, Gerrit, Wessel-Bothe, Stefan, Kottmann, Lorenz, Schittenhelm, Siegfried, Durner, Wolfgang (2018). Dataset: Soil moisture and matric potential - An open field comparison of sensor systems.

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0
Author Jackisch, Conrad
Given Name Conrad
Family Name Jackisch
More Authors
Andrä, Ines
Germer, Kai
Schulz, Katrin
Schiedung, Marcus
Haller-Jans, Jaqueline
Schneider, Jonas
Jaquemotte, Julia
Helmer, Philipp
Lotz, Leander
Graeff, Thomas
Bauer, Andreas
Hahn, Irene
Sanda, Martin
Kumpan, Monika
Dorner, Johann
de Rooij, Gerrit
Wessel-Bothe, Stefan
Kottmann, Lorenz
Schittenhelm, Siegfried
Durner, Wolfgang
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Jackisch_soil_moisture_matric_potential
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Soil moisture and matric potential- an open field comparison of sensor systems
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2020
Source: Earth System Science Data
Authors: Jackisch Conrad , Germer Kai , Graeff Thomas , Andrä Ines , Schulz Katrin , Schiedung Marcus , Haller-Jans Jaqueline , Schneider Jonas , Jaquemotte Julia , Helmer Philipp , Lotz Leander , Bauer Andreas , Hahn Irene , Sanda Martin , Kumpan Monika , Dorner Johann , de Rooij Gerrit , Wessel-Bothe Stefan , Kottmann Lorenz , Schittenhelm Siegfried , Durner Wolfgang .

Title: Soil moisture and matric potential - what do we measure?
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: Vadose Zone Journal
Authors: Jackisch Conrad , Durner Wolfgang , Germer Kai , Graeff Thomas , Sensor Comparison Study Consortium .