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Observed and modeled diazotroph nifH abundances in the global ocean

We supplemented the dataset presented in Luo et al. (2012) "Database of diazotrophs in global ocean: abundance, biomass and nitrogen fixation rates" with measurements of nifH genes using qPCR from 17 additional publications. This addition represents a 141% and a 118% increase in the number of depth-integrated and volumetric data points compared to the database of Luo et al. (2012). This new database includes 223 (1428), 253 (1575), 226 (1424) and 144 (958) observations of depth-integrated (volumetric) abundances of Trichodesmium, UCYN-A, UCYN-B and Richelia, respectively.

Based on the updated dataset, we applied a machine learning algorithm-random forest to estimate the nifH abundances of Trichodesmium, UCYN-A, UCYN-B and Richelia in the global ocean. The updated dataset of observed diazotroph nifH abundances, machine learning algorithms, codes and the modeled diazotroph nifH abundances in the global ocean are deposited here.

  1. Diazotroph nifH abundances in the global ocean: observed diazotroph nifH abundances compiled from the literature
  2. Diazotrophs_RF_models: random forest models built in MATLAB to estimate diazotroph abundances in the global ocean including "model_Tricho_tree", "model_UCYNA_tree", "model_UCYNB_tree", and "model_Richelia_tree"
  3. Diazotrophs_RF_global_monthly: monthly average diazotroph abundances (nifH gene copies m-2) in the global ocean estimated by random forest models
  4. diazotroph_abundances_prediction: MATLAB script file to predict diazotroph abundances using random forest models ("Diazotrophs_RF_models"), predictors ("predicotors_diazotrophs") and basin separation file ("basin_separation")
  5. predictors_diazotrophs: predictors at monthly scale [; 2.lon; 3.month;; 5.wind; 6.sst; 7.sss; 8.log10(nitrate); 9.log10(phosphate); 10.log10(p*); 11.oxygen; 12.par; 13.mld; 14.par_mld; 15.log10(chl_a)); 16.iron]
  6. basin_separation: a file used to denote and separate different ocean basins and land

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Cite this as

Tang, Weiyi, Cassar, Nicolas (2019). Dataset: Observed and modeled diazotroph nifH abundances in the global ocean.

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Tang, Weiyi
Given Name Weiyi
Family Name Tang
More Authors
Cassar, Nicolas
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Tang_Cassar-2019
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Data‐Driven Modeling of the Distribution of Diazotrophs in the Global Ocean
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2019
Source: Geophysical Research Letters
Authors: Tang Weiyi , Cassar Nicolas .

Title: Database of diazotrophs in global ocean: abundance, biomass and nitrogen fixation rates
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Earth System Science Data
Authors: Luo Yawei , Doney Scott C , Anderson L A , Benavides Mar , Berman-Frank I , Bode Antonio , Bonnet S , Boström Kjärstin H , Böttjer D , Capone D G , Carpenter E J , Chen Yaw-Lin , Church Matthew J , Dore John E , Falcón Luisa I , Fernández A , Foster R A , Furuya Ken , Gomez Fernando , Gundersen Kjell , Hynes Annette M , Karl David Michael , Kitajima Satoshi , Langlois Rebecca , LaRoche Julie , Letelier Ricardo M , Marañón Emilio , McGillicuddy Jr Dennis J , Moisander Pia H , Moore C Mark , Mouriño-Carballido Beatriz , Mulholland Margaret R , Needoba Joseph A , Orcutt Karen M , Poulton Alex J , Rahav Eyal , Raimbault Patrick , Rees Andrew , Riemann Lasse , Shiozaki Takuhei , Subramaniam Ajit , Tyrrell Toby , Turk-Kubo Kendra A , Varela Manuel , Villareal Tracy A , Webb Eric A , White Angelicque E , Wu Jingfeng , Zehr Jonathan P , Luo Yawei , Doney Scott C , Anderson L A , Benavides Mar , Berman-Frank I , Bode Antonio , Bonnet S , Boström Kjärstin H , Böttjer D , Capone D G , Carpenter E J , Chen Yaw-Lin , Church Matthew J , Dore John E , Falcón Luisa I , Fernández A , Foster R A , Furuya Ken , Gomez Fernando , Gundersen Kjell , Hynes Annette M , Karl David Michael , Kitajima Satoshi , Langlois Rebecca , LaRoche Julie , Letelier Ricardo M , Marañón Emilio , McGillicuddy Jr Dennis J , Moisander Pia H , Moore C Mark , Mouriño-Carballido Beatriz , Mulholland Margaret R , Needoba Joseph A , Orcutt Karen M , Poulton Alex J , Rahav Eyal , Raimbault Patrick , Rees Andrew , Riemann Lasse , Shiozaki Takuhei , Subramaniam Ajit , Tyrrell Toby , Turk-Kubo Kendra A , Varela Manuel , Villareal Tracy A , Webb Eric A , White Angelicque E , Wu Jingfeng , Zehr Jonathan P .

Title: Global distributions of diazotrophs abundance, biomass and nitrogen fixation rates - Gridded data product (NetCDF) - Contribution to the MAREDAT World Ocean Atlas of Plankton Functional Types
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Authors: Luo Yawei , Doney Scott C , Anderson L A , Benavides Mar , Berman-Frank I , Bode Antonio , Bonnet S , Boström Kjärstin H , Böttjer D , Capone D G , Carpenter E J , Chen Yaw-Lin , Church Matthew J , Dore John E , Falcón Luisa I , Fernández A , Foster R A , Furuya Ken , Gomez Fernando , Gundersen Kjell , Hynes Annette M , Karl David Michael , Kitajima Satoshi , Langlois Rebecca , LaRoche Julie , Letelier Ricardo M , Marañón Emilio , McGillicuddy Jr Dennis J , Moisander Pia H , Moore C Mark , Mouriño-Carballido Beatriz , Mulholland Margaret R , Needoba Joseph A , Orcutt Karen M , Poulton Alex J , Rahav Eyal , Raimbault Patrick , Rees Andrew , Riemann Lasse , Shiozaki Takuhei , Subramaniam Ajit , Tyrrell Toby , Turk-Kubo Kendra A , Varela Manuel , Villareal Tracy A , Webb Eric A , White Angelicque E , Wu Jingfeng , Zehr Jonathan P , Luo Yawei , Doney Scott C , Anderson L A , Benavides Mar , Berman-Frank I , Bode Antonio , Bonnet S , Boström Kjärstin H , Böttjer D , Capone D G , Carpenter E J , Chen Yaw-Lin , Church Matthew J , Dore John E , Falcón Luisa I , Fernández A , Foster R A , Furuya Ken , Gomez Fernando , Gundersen Kjell , Hynes Annette M , Karl David Michael , Kitajima Satoshi , Langlois Rebecca , LaRoche Julie , Letelier Ricardo M , Marañón Emilio , McGillicuddy Jr Dennis J , Moisander Pia H , Moore C Mark , Mouriño-Carballido Beatriz , Mulholland Margaret R , Needoba Joseph A , Orcutt Karen M , Poulton Alex J , Rahav Eyal , Raimbault Patrick , Rees Andrew , Riemann Lasse , Shiozaki Takuhei , Subramaniam Ajit , Tyrrell Toby , Turk-Kubo Kendra A , Varela Manuel , Villareal Tracy A , Webb Eric A , White Angelicque E , Wu Jingfeng , Zehr Jonathan P .