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Seal census raw data during POLARSTERN expedition ANT-XV/3 (PS48)

The density, species composition, and possible change in the status of pack ice seals within the Weddell Sea were investigated during the 1997/1998 summer cruise of the RV „Polarstern“ (ANT-XV/3, PS48). Comparisons were made with previous surveys in the Weddell Sea where it was assumed that all seals were counted in a narrow strip on either side oft he ship or aircraft. A total of 15 aerial censuses were flown during the period 23 January – 7 March 1998 in the area bounded by 07°08' and 45°33' West longitude. The censused area in the eastern Weddell Sea was largely devoid of pack ice while a well circumscribed pack ice field remained in the western Weddell Sea. A total of 3,636 (95.4 %) crabeater seals, 21 (0.5 %) Ross seals, 45 (1.2 %) leopard seals and 111 (2.9 %) Weddell seals were observed on the pack ice during a total of 1,356.57 linear nautical miles (244.2 nm) of transect line censused. At a mean density of 21.16 1/nm2 over an area of 244.2 nm, it is the highest densities on record for crabeater seals, density of up to 411.7 1/nm2 being found in small areas. The overall high densities of seals (30.18 1/nm2) recorded for the eastern Weddell Sea (27.46 1/nm2, 0.27 1/nm2, and 0.66 1/nm2 for crabeater, leopard and Weddell seals respectively) is a consequence of the drastically reduced ice cover and the inverse relationship that exists between cover and seal densities. Ross seal densities (0.08 1/nm**2) were the lowest on record fort the area. It is suggested that seals largely remain within the confines of the pack ice despite seasonal and annual changes in its distribution. Indications are that in 1998 the El Niño has manifested itself in the Weddell Sea, markedly influencing the density and distribution of pack ice seals.

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Bester, Marthán Nieuwoudt, Odendaal, Paul N (2015). Dataset: Seal census raw data during POLARSTERN expedition ANT-XV/3 (PS48).

DOI retrieved: 2015

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Bester, Marthán Nieuwoudt
Given Name Marthán Nieuwoudt
Family Name Bester
More Authors
Odendaal, Paul N
Source Creation 2015
Publication Year 2015
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: ANT-XV_3_seal_census_raw_data
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Related Identifiers
Title: The International Antarctic Pack Ice Seals (APIS) Program. Multi-disciplinary Research into the Ecology and Behavior of Antarctic Pack Ice Seals. Summary Update
Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.37461.d001
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2006
Source: The Expert Group on Seals (EGS); Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). Marthan N. Bester, D.Sc., Chief Officer, Brent S. Stewart, Ph.D., J.D., Secretary (eds.).
Authors: Ackley Stephen F , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Boyd I , Cameron Michael , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Siniff D , Southwell C , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Stirling J , Torres J , Yochem P K , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Southwell C , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Cameron Michael , Forcada J , Laake J , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Rogers Tracey , Southwell D , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Trathan P .

Title: Abundance and distribution of Antarctic pack ice seals in the Weddell Sea
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1999
Source: In: Antarctic Ecosystems: Models for Wider Ecological Understanding. W. Davison, C. Howard-Williams & P. Broady (eds), Caxton Press, Christchurch, New Zealand
Authors: Ackley Stephen F , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Boyd I , Cameron Michael , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Siniff D , Southwell C , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Stirling J , Torres J , Yochem P K , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Southwell C , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Cameron Michael , Forcada J , Laake J , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Rogers Tracey , Southwell D , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Trathan P .

Title: Abundance and distribution of Antarctic pack ice seals in the Weddell Sea
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1999
Source: In: W.E. Arntz & J. Gutt (eds) The Expedition ANTARKTIS XV/3 (EASIZ II) of "Polarstern" in 1998
Authors: Ackley Stephen F , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Boyd I , Cameron Michael , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Siniff D , Southwell C , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Stirling J , Torres J , Yochem P K , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Southwell C , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Cameron Michael , Forcada J , Laake J , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Rogers Tracey , Southwell D , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Trathan P .

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Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.40419.d001
Type: DOI
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Year: 2012
Source: CCAMLR Science
Authors: Ackley Stephen F , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Boyd I , Cameron Michael , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Siniff D , Southwell C , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Stirling J , Torres J , Yochem P K , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Southwell C , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Cameron Michael , Forcada J , Laake J , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Rogers Tracey , Southwell D , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Trathan P .

Title: Documentation of the South African Antarctic Pack Ice Seals Census (APIS) Programme 1998 during POLARSTERN expedition ANT-XV/3 (PS48)
Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.46171.d001
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Ackley Stephen F , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Boyd I , Cameron Michael , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Siniff D , Southwell C , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Stirling J , Torres J , Yochem P K , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Odendaal Paul N , Southwell C , Bengtson John L , Bester Marthán Nieuwoudt , Blix Arnoldus Schytte , Bornemann Horst , Boveng Peter , Cameron Michael , Forcada J , Laake J , Nordøy Erling Sverre , Plötz Joachim , Rogers Tracey , Southwell D , Steinhage Daniel , Stewart Brent S , Trathan P .