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High resolution global industrial and smallholder oil palm map for 2019

The data set contains 622 images of 100x100 km and covers the areas where oil palm plantations were detected at the global scale. The classification of oil palm plantations was firstly applied over a larger area where oil palm can potentially grow. The file 'grid.shp' contains the grid that covers the potential distribution of oil palm. The current data set, however, only contains the images where the presence of oil palm was confirmed. The file 'grid_withOP.shp' shows the 100x100 grid squares with presence of oil palm plantations. The classification images (in geotiff format) are the output of a convolutional neural network that takes Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 half-year composites as input data. The images have a spatial resolution of 10 meters and show three classes: 1) Industrial mature oil palm plantations, 2) Smallholder mature oil palm plantations, and 3) other land uses that are not mature oil palm. The file 'Validation_points_GlobalOilPalmLayer_2019.shp' includes the 13,252 points that were used to validate the product. Each point includes the attribute 'Class', which is the class assigned by visual interpretation, and the attribute 'predClass, which reflects the predicted class.

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Cite this as

Descals, Adrià, Wich, Serge, Meijaard, Erik, Gaveau, David, Peedell, Steven, Szantoi, Zoltan (2020). Dataset: High resolution global industrial and smallholder oil palm map for 2019.

DOI retrieved: 2020

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Descals, Adrià
Given Name Adrià
Family Name Descals
More Authors
Wich, Serge
Meijaard, Erik
Gaveau, David
Peedell, Steven
Szantoi, Zoltan
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: High resolution global industrial and smallholder oil palm map for 2019
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: Earth System Science Data
Authors: Descals Adrià , Wich Serge , Meijaard Erik , Gaveau David , Peedell Steven , Szantoi Zoltan .