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Micro CT scans for zebrafish on an obesogenic diet (DIO), on caloric restriction (CR) or undergoing catch up growth after 1, 3 or 9 months of CR (CG1, CG3, CG9)

For µCT imaging, adult zebrafish were fixed and decalcified in Bouin's solution at room temperature for 7 days, stored in PBS and imaged using a micro-computed tomography (µCT) device (SkyScan1272, Bruker BioSpin GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany). Zebrafish were placed individually in 1.5ml Eppendorf tubes using and an ultra-focus scan over the whole body was performed in a full-rotation in step-and-shoot mode. 322 projections (1008x672 pixels, 4x4 binning) were acquired per subscan with an x-ray tube voltage of 60 kV, power 0.166 mA, aluminum filter 0.25 mm,exposure time of 363 ms, 6 averages and a object-source distance of 86 mm. All CT images were reconstructed at an isotropic voxel size of 18 µm using a Feldkamp type algorithm (filtered back-projection). Fat-containing regions were appear hypo intense in µCT data and were segmented using Imalytics Preclinical (Gremse-IT GmbH, Aachen, Germany (Gremse et al., 2016; doi:10.7150/thno.13624). The volumetric fat percentage was calculated as the ratio of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) or visceral adipose tissue (VAT) fat volume compared to the entire volume of the body cavity anterior of the anal fin and expressed per skeletal segment.

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Leibold, Sandra, Lakshminarasimha, Amrutha Bagivalu, Gremse, Felix, Hammerschmidt, Matthias, Michel, Maximilian (2022). Dataset: Micro CT scans for zebrafish on an obesogenic diet (DIO), on caloric restriction (CR) or undergoing catch up growth after 1, 3 or 9 months of CR (CG1, CG3, CG9).

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Leibold, Sandra
Given Name Sandra
Family Name Leibold
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Lakshminarasimha, Amrutha Bagivalu
Gremse, Felix
Hammerschmidt, Matthias
Michel, Maximilian
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Leibold_etal_CT
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Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Biosphere

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Title: Long-term obesogenic diet leads to metabolic phenotypes which are not exacerbated by catch-up growth in zebrafish
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: PLoS ONE
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .

Title: Long-term obesogenic diet leads to metabolic phenotypes which are not exacerbated by catch-up growth in zebrafish
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2014
Source: Cell Metabolism
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .

Title: Blood Sugar Measurement in Zebrafish Reveals Dynamics of Glucose Homeostasis
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2010
Source: Zebrafish
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .

Title: Imalytics Preclinical: Interactive Analysis of Biomedical Volume Data
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2016
Source: Theranostics
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .

Title: Reporting Fish Growth: A Review of the Basics
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1992
Source: Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2015
Source: PLoS ONE
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .

Title: Repeatability of standard metabolic rate, active metabolic rate and aerobic scope in young brown trout during a period of moderate food availability
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Source: Journal of Experimental Biology
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .

Title: Some errors in respirometry of aquatic breathers: How to avoid and correct for them
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1989
Source: Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
Authors: Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Leibold Sandra , Lakshminarasimha Amrutha Bagivalu , Gremse Felix , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Michel Maximilian , Dogan Sukru Anil , Pujol Claire , Maiti Priyanka , Kukat Alexandra , Wang Shuaiyu , Hermans Steffen , Senft Katharina , Wibom Rolf , Rugarli Elena I , Trifunovic Aleksandra , Eames Stefani C , Philipson Louis H , Prince Victoria E , Kinkel Mary D , Gremse Felix , Stärk Marius , Ehling Josef , Menzel Jan Robert , Lammers Twan , Kiessling Fabian , Hopkins Kevin D , Leibold Sandra , Hammerschmidt Matthias , Rawls John F , Norin Tommy , Malte Hans , Steffensen John Fleng .