7 datasets found

Groups: Social Network Organizations: No Organization Formats: JSON

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  • Email Network Dataset

    The email network dataset is a collection of email networks used to evaluate the proposed SynGraphy algorithm for visualizing large graphs.
  • Twitch

    Real-world data generation often involves certain geometries (e.g., graphs) that induce instance-level interdependence.
  • Douban dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a real-world social network dataset, containing 13,777 nodes, 567,250 edges, and 21,756 cascades.
  • Douban Online-Offline

    The two social networks contained in this dataset represent the online and offline events of the Douban social network.
  • Celegans

    The dataset contains user-user relationship on the Chinese movie review platform.
  • Yelp Dataset

    The Yelp Dataset contains 1.6M reviews and 500K tips by 366K users for 61K businesses; 481K business attributes, such as hours, parking availability, ambience; and check-ins for...
  • Weather Sentiment (CF) Dataset

    The dataset contains movie evaluations from IMDB and social network information from Twitter. The ratings on the IMDB website are based on the aggregated evaluations from all...