9 datasets found

Tags: birds

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  • Bird Dataset

    A dataset of images of birds.
  • Caltech-UCSD Birds

    Caltech-UCSD Birds (CUB 200-2007) and extended version CUB 200-2011 image collections tagged with keypoints, bounding boxes, coarse segmentation, and attribute labels.
  • CUB dataset

    The CUB dataset is a large collection of images of birds, each image is a 299x299 RGB image, and there are 11,778 training images and 5,994 testing images.
  • CUB Birds 200-2011

    A dataset of 11,788 images of birds, each annotated with 36 attributes.
  • The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset

    The CUB dataset is a collection of images of landbirds and waterbirds from the CUB dataset, combined with images from Places dataset as background.
  • Caltech-UCSD Birds dataset

    The Caltech-UCSD Birds dataset contains images of birds from 200 classes.
  • Birds-to-Words

    The Birds-to-Words dataset contains 15,931 images (12,770 training and 3,151 testing) tagged with descriptions of fine-grained differences between pairwise bird images.
  • CUB200-2011

    The dataset used in the paper is CUB200-2011, a fine-grained image classification dataset.
  • CUB-200

    CUB-200 is a fine-grained image classification dataset containing high resolution images of 200 different bird species.