Dataset Groups Activity Stream Major element geochemistry of pyroxenes in metavolcanic rocks of IODP Exp366 samples BibTex: @dataset{Albers_Elmar_and_Bach_Wolfgang_and_Klein_Frieder_and_Menzies_C_D_and_Lucassen_Friedrich_and_Teagle_Damon_A_H_2019, author = {Albers, Elmar and Bach, Wolfgang and Klein, Frieder and Menzies, C D and Lucassen, Friedrich and Teagle, Damon A H}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.902601}, institution = {PANGAEA (Chemistry)}, keyword = {'Carbon cycling', 'IODP Exp. 366', 'Mariana forearc', 'Redox conditions', 'Serpentinite mud volcanism', 'Serpentinization'}, title = {Major element geochemistry of pyroxenes in metavolcanic rocks of IODP Exp366 samples}, url = {}, year = {2019} }