Benthic and planktonic stable isotopes and coarse fraction of sediment core M94-480 PC

Proxy parameter of core M94-480 PC: Benthic and planktonic stable isotopes and coarse fraction of sediment core M94-480 PC. Isotope analyses were performed on the planktonic and benthic foraminiferal species Globigerinoides ruber (white) and Uvigerina peregrina, respectively. Sedimentological and logging data as well as the foraminiferal analyses were performed on piston core M94-480 PC, which was recovered from the northern Campeche Bank (Gulf of Mexico; 23°48.141'N 87°00.868'W) from 730 m water depth during R/V Meteor Cruise M94 in 2013 ( Sampling and analytical studies were carried out from ~0.5 cm to 1215.5 cm core depth at 1-5 cm spatial resolution. The records cover the last ~360 kyrs. The stable carbon (δ13C; ‰ VPDB) and oxygen isotope (δ18O, ‰ VPDB) analyses were performed on a Thermo Scientific MAT 253 mass spectrometer with an automated Kiel IV Carbonate Preparation Device. The isotope data provide stratigraphical information. The coarse fraction percentages were derived from sieving.
