Bulk sediment geochemistry of Okhotsk Sea surface sediments
The Sea of Okhotsk in the northwestern Pacific between Sakhalin, Siberia, Kamtchakta and the Kuril Island Arc is currently influenced by different sedimentation processes. Regionally varying terrigenous fluxes and nutrient inputs, a seasonally varying sea ice cover and a generally high marine productivity characterize the sediment composition and distribution. X-ray fluorescence analyses for the geochemical characterization of recent surface sediments were carried out as part of various BMBF funding measures (including the KOMEX and KALMAR joint projects). Lithogenic elements (e.g. Ti, Fe, Zr, K, Al) and productivity proxies (e.g. Ba/Al) provide information on the interplay between terrigenous input (e.g. wind-dust and river input, ice transport) and marine productivity. The data contains bulk sediment geochemical data of surface sediment samples (0-1 cm core depth) from the Sea of Okhotsk, recovered by multicorer. The data were generated by X-ray fluorescence analyses. The data can be used as a basis for further paleoceanographic studies.