Dataset Groups Activity Stream Influence of zr-doping on structure and transport properties of rare earth high-entropy oxides TechnicalRemarks: TEM raw dataset corresponding to the graphs and maps depicted in the manuscript BibTex: @dataset{Kante_Mohana_Veerraju_and_Botros_Miriam_and_Schweidler_Simon_and_Raj_Lakshmi_Nilayam_Ajai_2024, abstract = {TechnicalRemarks: TEM raw dataset corresponding to the graphs and maps depicted in the manuscript}, author = {Kante, Mohana Veerraju and Botros, Miriam and Schweidler, Simon and Raj Lakshmi Nilayam, Ajai}, doi = {10.35097/GcZKqFdyZsBbHMjv}, institution = {RADAR}, title = {Influence of zr-doping on structure and transport properties of rare earth high-entropy oxides}, url = {}, year = {2024} }