N-alkanes hydrogen stable isotopes of sediment core KK12-2, Lake Karakul, Tajikistan

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Aichner, Bernhard, Makhmudov, Zafar, Rajabov, Ilhomjon, Zhang, Qiong, Pausata, Francesco S R, Werner, Martin, Heinecke, Liv, Kuessner, Marie L, Feakins, Sarah J, Sachse, Dirk, Mischke, Steffen (2019). Dataset: N-alkanes hydrogen stable isotopes of sediment core KK12-2, Lake Karakul, Tajikistan. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.907779

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.907779
Author Aichner, Bernhard
Given Name Bernhard
Family Name Aichner
More Authors
Makhmudov, Zafar
Rajabov, Ilhomjon
Zhang, Qiong
Pausata, Francesco S R
Werner, Martin
Heinecke, Liv
Kuessner, Marie L
Feakins, Sarah J
Sachse, Dirk
Mischke, Steffen
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: KK12-2_n-alkanes_dD
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

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Authors: Aichner Bernhard , Makhmudov Zafar , Rajabov Ilhomjon , Zhang Qiong , Pausata Francesco S R , Werner Martin , Heinecke Liv , Kuessner Marie L , Feakins Sarah J , Sachse Dirk , Mischke Steffen , Mischke Steffen , Lai Zhongping , Aichner Bernhard , Heinecke Liv , Makhmudov Zafar , Kuessner Marie L , Herzschuh Ulrike .

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Authors: Aichner Bernhard , Makhmudov Zafar , Rajabov Ilhomjon , Zhang Qiong , Pausata Francesco S R , Werner Martin , Heinecke Liv , Kuessner Marie L , Feakins Sarah J , Sachse Dirk , Mischke Steffen , Mischke Steffen , Lai Zhongping , Aichner Bernhard , Heinecke Liv , Makhmudov Zafar , Kuessner Marie L , Herzschuh Ulrike .