Diatom assemblage of the sediment short core EN18232-1, Lake Khamra, Siberia

This data set is an extension to the previously published data in a bundled publication (Stieg et al., 2024a) from the Russian Lake Khamra (59.99°N, 112.98°E, 340 m a.s.l.), located in eastern Siberia in SW Yakutia. The short core (EN18232-1) was retrieved in summer 2018 and subsampled in 2021 in 39 continuous 1 cm increments covering the last 220 years (ca. 2015-1790 CE). Detailed information about the age-depth model of the short core EN18232-1 can be found in the research paper (Stieg et al., 2024b). We provide diatom assemblage data for the 39 samples of the short core EN18232-1. We used aliquots of 0.10 g freeze-dried sample material. The slide preparation followed the common procedure (Battarbee et al., 2001). 5 ml of Microsphere suspension (2 x 10^6 microspheres ml-1) were added to estimate the diatom valve concentration (DVC, valves g-1). We used a ZEISS AXIO Scope.A1 light microscope with a Plan-Apochromat 100x/ 1.4 Oil Ph3 objective at 1000x magnification to identify diatom species to lowest possible taxonomic level. We counted a minimum of 350 diatom valves in each sample (mean: 391 valves). To assess the diatom valve dissolution, we determined the F index by dividing the diatom counts into dissolved and pristine categories. The F index has a total range between 0 and 1, whereby 1 equals a perfect preservation. We calculated the diatom accumulation rates (DARs, 10^9 valves m-2 a-1) by multiplying DVC with mass accumulation rates (MAR, g cm-2 a-1), available in a previous published data set (Stieg et al., 2024c), and multiplying it by 100. Additionally, we estimated scales of Mallomonas and Crysophyt cysts without further specification. More details according to the methods can be found in Stieg et al. (in process).

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Stieg, Amelie, Biskaborn, Boris K, Herzschuh, Ulrike, Pestryakova, Luidmila A, Meyer, Hanno (2024). Dataset: Diatom assemblage of the sediment short core EN18232-1, Lake Khamra, Siberia. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.971296

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Source https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.971296
Author Stieg, Amelie
Given Name Amelie
Family Name Stieg
More Authors
Biskaborn, Boris K
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Pestryakova, Luidmila A
Meyer, Hanno
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: EN18232-1_Diatoms
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
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Authors: Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Marent Andreas , Strauss Jens , Wilhelms-Dick Dorothee , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Lindemann Justin , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Battarbee Richard , Jones Vivienne J , Flower R J , Cameron Nigel G , Bennion H .

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Authors: Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Marent Andreas , Strauss Jens , Wilhelms-Dick Dorothee , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Lindemann Justin , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Battarbee Richard , Jones Vivienne J , Flower R J , Cameron Nigel G , Bennion H .

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Authors: Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Marent Andreas , Strauss Jens , Wilhelms-Dick Dorothee , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Lindemann Justin , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Battarbee Richard , Jones Vivienne J , Flower R J , Cameron Nigel G , Bennion H .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2024
Authors: Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Marent Andreas , Strauss Jens , Wilhelms-Dick Dorothee , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Lindemann Justin , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Battarbee Richard , Jones Vivienne J , Flower R J , Cameron Nigel G , Bennion H .

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Type: DOI
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Source: In: Smol, J P, Birks, H J B & Last, W M (eds.), Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments, Volume 3: Terrestrial, Algal and Siliceous Indicators: Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Authors: Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Marent Andreas , Strauss Jens , Wilhelms-Dick Dorothee , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Lindemann Justin , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Stieg Amelie , Biskaborn Boris K , Herzschuh Ulrike , Strauss Jens , Pestryakova Luidmila A , Meyer Hanno , Battarbee Richard , Jones Vivienne J , Flower R J , Cameron Nigel G , Bennion H .