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Nitrous oxide production kinetics from ammonia oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific in March/April 2018

In March/April 2018 during a cruise on R/V Sally Ride, SR1805, 15N-NH4+ incubations in 60mL glass serum bottles were performed to measure ammonium oxidation rates to nitrite and nitrous oxide in different depth at 3 different stations in the oxygen deficient zone (ODZ) of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific off the coast of Mexico. Water samples were collected from 30L Niskin bottles deployed with a conductivity-temperature-depth profiler (CTD, Seabird Electronics). The goal was to get a better understanding on the controls of nitrous oxide (N2O) production. The N2O production rate experiments were performed according to Bourbonnais et al. 2021 ( Furthermore, ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-) as well as N2O concentrations were determined using standard fluorometric (Holmes et al. 1999,, photometric (Strickland and Parsons 1972, hdl:10013/epic.46454.d001), chemiluminescent (Braman and Hendrix 1989, doi:10.1021/ac00199a007) and mass spectrometric techniques (McIlvin and Casciotti 2010,, respectively. The N2O yield per nitrite produced was calculated. The archaeal ammonia monooxygenase gene subunit A (amoA) copy numbers/mL were determined using qPCR as described previously (Peng et al. 2015,

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Cite this as

Frey, Claudia, Sun, Xin, Szemberski, Laura, Casciotti, Karen L, Garcia-Robledo, Emilio, Jayakumar, Amal, Kelly, Colette, Lehmann, Moritz F, Ward, Bess B (2021). Dataset: Nitrous oxide production kinetics from ammonia oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific in March/April 2018.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Frey, Claudia
Given Name Claudia
Family Name Frey
More Authors
Sun, Xin
Szemberski, Laura
Casciotti, Karen L
Garcia-Robledo, Emilio
Jayakumar, Amal
Kelly, Colette
Lehmann, Moritz F
Ward, Bess B
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: ETNP_N2Oproduction
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Kinetics of nitrous oxide production from ammonia oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: Limnology and Oceanography
Authors: Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Szemberski Laura , Casciotti Karen L , Garcia-Robledo Emilio , Jayakumar Amal , Kelly C L , Lehmann Moritz F , Ward Bess B , Bourbonnais Annie , Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Bristow Laura Anne , Jayakumar Amal , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Casciotti Karen L , Ward Bess B , Braman Robert S , Hendrix Steven A , Holmes Robert M , Aminot A , Kerouel Roger , Hooker Bethanie A , Peterson Bruce J , McIlvin Matthew R , Casciotti Karen L , Peng Xuefeng , Fuchsman Clara A , Jayakumar Amal , Oleynik Sergey , Martens-Habbena Willm , Devol Allan H , Ward Bess B , Strickland J D H , Parsons T R , Ward Bess B , Casciotti Karen L .

Title: Protocols for Assessing Transformation Rates of Nitrous Oxide in the Water Column
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Frontiers in Marine Science
Authors: Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Szemberski Laura , Casciotti Karen L , Garcia-Robledo Emilio , Jayakumar Amal , Kelly C L , Lehmann Moritz F , Ward Bess B , Bourbonnais Annie , Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Bristow Laura Anne , Jayakumar Amal , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Casciotti Karen L , Ward Bess B , Braman Robert S , Hendrix Steven A , Holmes Robert M , Aminot A , Kerouel Roger , Hooker Bethanie A , Peterson Bruce J , McIlvin Matthew R , Casciotti Karen L , Peng Xuefeng , Fuchsman Clara A , Jayakumar Amal , Oleynik Sergey , Martens-Habbena Willm , Devol Allan H , Ward Bess B , Strickland J D H , Parsons T R , Ward Bess B , Casciotti Karen L .

Title: Nanogram nitrite and nitrate determination in environmental and biological materials by vanadium(III) reduction with chemiluminescence detection
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1989
Source: Analytical Chemistry
Authors: Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Szemberski Laura , Casciotti Karen L , Garcia-Robledo Emilio , Jayakumar Amal , Kelly C L , Lehmann Moritz F , Ward Bess B , Bourbonnais Annie , Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Bristow Laura Anne , Jayakumar Amal , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Casciotti Karen L , Ward Bess B , Braman Robert S , Hendrix Steven A , Holmes Robert M , Aminot A , Kerouel Roger , Hooker Bethanie A , Peterson Bruce J , McIlvin Matthew R , Casciotti Karen L , Peng Xuefeng , Fuchsman Clara A , Jayakumar Amal , Oleynik Sergey , Martens-Habbena Willm , Devol Allan H , Ward Bess B , Strickland J D H , Parsons T R , Ward Bess B , Casciotti Karen L .

Title: A simple and precise method for measuring ammonium in marine and freshwater ecosystems
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1999
Source: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Authors: Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Szemberski Laura , Casciotti Karen L , Garcia-Robledo Emilio , Jayakumar Amal , Kelly C L , Lehmann Moritz F , Ward Bess B , Bourbonnais Annie , Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Bristow Laura Anne , Jayakumar Amal , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Casciotti Karen L , Ward Bess B , Braman Robert S , Hendrix Steven A , Holmes Robert M , Aminot A , Kerouel Roger , Hooker Bethanie A , Peterson Bruce J , McIlvin Matthew R , Casciotti Karen L , Peng Xuefeng , Fuchsman Clara A , Jayakumar Amal , Oleynik Sergey , Martens-Habbena Willm , Devol Allan H , Ward Bess B , Strickland J D H , Parsons T R , Ward Bess B , Casciotti Karen L .

Title: Fully automated system for stable isotopic analyses of dissolved nitrous oxide at natural abundance levels
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2010
Source: Limnology and Oceanography-Methods
Authors: Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Szemberski Laura , Casciotti Karen L , Garcia-Robledo Emilio , Jayakumar Amal , Kelly C L , Lehmann Moritz F , Ward Bess B , Bourbonnais Annie , Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Bristow Laura Anne , Jayakumar Amal , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Casciotti Karen L , Ward Bess B , Braman Robert S , Hendrix Steven A , Holmes Robert M , Aminot A , Kerouel Roger , Hooker Bethanie A , Peterson Bruce J , McIlvin Matthew R , Casciotti Karen L , Peng Xuefeng , Fuchsman Clara A , Jayakumar Amal , Oleynik Sergey , Martens-Habbena Willm , Devol Allan H , Ward Bess B , Strickland J D H , Parsons T R , Ward Bess B , Casciotti Karen L .

Title: Ammonia and nitrite oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2015
Source: Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Authors: Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Szemberski Laura , Casciotti Karen L , Garcia-Robledo Emilio , Jayakumar Amal , Kelly C L , Lehmann Moritz F , Ward Bess B , Bourbonnais Annie , Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Bristow Laura Anne , Jayakumar Amal , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Casciotti Karen L , Ward Bess B , Braman Robert S , Hendrix Steven A , Holmes Robert M , Aminot A , Kerouel Roger , Hooker Bethanie A , Peterson Bruce J , McIlvin Matthew R , Casciotti Karen L , Peng Xuefeng , Fuchsman Clara A , Jayakumar Amal , Oleynik Sergey , Martens-Habbena Willm , Devol Allan H , Ward Bess B , Strickland J D H , Parsons T R , Ward Bess B , Casciotti Karen L .

Title: A practical handbook of seawater analysis
Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.46454.d001
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1972
Source: Fisheries Research Board of Canada
Authors: Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Szemberski Laura , Casciotti Karen L , Garcia-Robledo Emilio , Jayakumar Amal , Kelly C L , Lehmann Moritz F , Ward Bess B , Bourbonnais Annie , Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Bristow Laura Anne , Jayakumar Amal , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Casciotti Karen L , Ward Bess B , Braman Robert S , Hendrix Steven A , Holmes Robert M , Aminot A , Kerouel Roger , Hooker Bethanie A , Peterson Bruce J , McIlvin Matthew R , Casciotti Karen L , Peng Xuefeng , Fuchsman Clara A , Jayakumar Amal , Oleynik Sergey , Martens-Habbena Willm , Devol Allan H , Ward Bess B , Strickland J D H , Parsons T R , Ward Bess B , Casciotti Karen L .

Title: Bottle data from CTD casts conducted on R/V Sally Ride cruise SR1805 in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean from March to April 2018
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO)
Authors: Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Szemberski Laura , Casciotti Karen L , Garcia-Robledo Emilio , Jayakumar Amal , Kelly C L , Lehmann Moritz F , Ward Bess B , Bourbonnais Annie , Frey Claudia , Sun Xin , Bristow Laura Anne , Jayakumar Amal , Ostrom Nathaniel E , Casciotti Karen L , Ward Bess B , Braman Robert S , Hendrix Steven A , Holmes Robert M , Aminot A , Kerouel Roger , Hooker Bethanie A , Peterson Bruce J , McIlvin Matthew R , Casciotti Karen L , Peng Xuefeng , Fuchsman Clara A , Jayakumar Amal , Oleynik Sergey , Martens-Habbena Willm , Devol Allan H , Ward Bess B , Strickland J D H , Parsons T R , Ward Bess B , Casciotti Karen L .