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Biotic and abiotic water-column characteristics (Chla, Phaeo, TC, TN, δ13C, δ15N) at stations in the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016)

This dataset contains biotic and abiotic data from water-column samples taken with Niskin bottles mounted on the CTD rosette from 14 sites in the Weddell Sea (mostly South-Eastern). Data are provided for water-column pigments (chlorophyll a and phaeopigment content through fluorometry), total carbon (TC) and nitrogen (TN) and stable isotope values of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C, δ15N) from the chlorophyll maximum (Cmax, defined as the water depth with maximum fluorescence detected during in-situ profiles) and close to the sea bottom. Water was filtered onto glass fiber filters (GF/C for pigments, combusted GF/F for C and N analyses) and stored at -80°C prior to analysis. Detailed methods are described in Säring et al. (submitted) except for stable isotopes: Flash combustion in a Flash 2000 (Thermo) elemental analyser to a Delta V advantage (Thermo) isotope ratio masspectrometer. δ values are reported relative to atmospheric N₂ (δ15N) and Vienna PeeDee Belemnite (δ13C). Reference materials for stable isotope analysis: IAEA-N1, IAEA-N2, IAEA-N3, NBS 22, IAEA-CH-3 and IAEA-CH-6; calibration material: Acetanilide (Merck). The analytical precision for both stable isotope ratios was <±0.2‰. Samples were not acidified to avoid loss of material. We assumed low inorganic carbon content in the water column for our analyses. This data table is part of a larger study analysing the role of environmental parameters for meio- and macrofaunal community composition (see Related to below).

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Cite this as

Säring, Friederike, Link, Heike, Behrend, Ben, Bodur, Yasemin V, Liskow, Iris, Veit-Köhler, Gritta (2021). Dataset: Biotic and abiotic water-column characteristics (Chla, Phaeo, TC, TN, δ13C, δ15N) at stations in the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016).

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
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Author Säring, Friederike
Given Name Friederike
Family Name Säring
More Authors
Link, Heike
Behrend, Ben
Bodur, Yasemin V
Liskow, Iris
Veit-Köhler, Gritta
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: PS96_watercol_characteristics
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Name: Chemistry

Name: Ecology

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Sea-ice-related environmental drivers affect meiofauna and macrofauna communities differently at large scales (Southern Ocean, Antarctic)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: Marine Ecology Progress Series
Authors: Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Bruhn Marco , Weßels Ann-Kathrin , Bohn Merten , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Säring Friederike , Seifert Derya , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Behrend Ben , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Schröder Michael .

Title: Meiofauna abundance from multicorer and box corer samples for seven stations from the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Authors: Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Bruhn Marco , Weßels Ann-Kathrin , Bohn Merten , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Säring Friederike , Seifert Derya , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Behrend Ben , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Schröder Michael .

Title: Macrofauna abundance from multicorer and box corer samples for seven stations from the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Authors: Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Bruhn Marco , Weßels Ann-Kathrin , Bohn Merten , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Säring Friederike , Seifert Derya , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Behrend Ben , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Schröder Michael .

Title: Sediment characteristics (Chla, Phaeo, TOC, TN, δ13C, δ15N, grain size) at stations in the Weddell Sea (POLARSTERN cruise PS 96, ANT-XXXI/2, December 2015–February 2016)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Authors: Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Bruhn Marco , Weßels Ann-Kathrin , Bohn Merten , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Säring Friederike , Seifert Derya , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Behrend Ben , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Schröder Michael .

Title: The Expedition PS96 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the southern Weddell Sea in 2015/2016
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2016
Source: Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research
Authors: Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Bruhn Marco , Weßels Ann-Kathrin , Bohn Merten , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Säring Friederike , Seifert Derya , Link Heike , Säring Friederike , Veit-Köhler Gritta , Behrend Ben , Seifert Derya , Liskow Iris , Link Heike , Schröder Michael .