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Multi-photon 4d printing of complex liquid crystalline microstructures by in situ alignment using electric fields

TechnicalRemarks: # General Information

This repository contains research data contributing to the Advanced Materials Technologies publication "Multi-Photon 4D Printing of Complex Liquid Crystalline Microstructures by In Situ Alignment Using Electric Fields" by A. Münchinger, V. Hahn, D. Beutel, S. Woska, J. Monti, C. Rockstuhl, E. Blasco, M. Wegener

In the following it is refered to the Figures and Supporting Movies of this publication.

Folder Structure


  • Needed to machine the electrode holder. The file 'Baugruppe1_2' assembles all the parts.

Experimental Data

Figure 3

  • Contains all optical microscope and SEM images of the structures depicted in Figure 3.

Figure 4

  • Bimaterial beams are connected to a cylindrical post (compare Figure 4)
  • The structure is heated within a heating stage
  • Contains all optical microscope and SEM images of the structures depicted in Figure 4 and Supporting Movie 1.
  • Contains all MATLAB scripts to generate Supporting Movie 1
  • See the README.txt file for details

Figure 5

  • A buckling structure is heated in a heating stage
  • Contains videos recorded with an optical microscope of the structure
  • Contains the temperature data
  • Contains SEM images
  • Contains all MATLAB scripts to generate Figure 5 and Supporting Movie 2 from the data
  • See the README.txt file for details

Figure S2

  • DSC curves for the LCN ink were measured
  • Contains all measured DSC data
  • Contains all MATLAB scripts to generate Figure S2
  • See the README.txt file for details

Figure S6

  • A thin membrane supported by a cylindrical post (compare Figure 3) is heated within a heating stage.
  • Contains videos recorded with an optical microscope of the structure
  • Contains the temperature data
  • Contains all MATLAB scripts to generate Figure S6 and Supporting Movie 3 from the data
  • See the README.txt file for details

Supporting Movie 4

  • The LCN ink inside a sandwich cell made from two coverslips is located in a heating stage. It is observed with a polarizing optical microscope while the polarizers are crossed
  • Contains all data to reproduce Supporting Movie 4
  • Contains all MATLAB scripts to generate Supporting Movie 4

Simulation Data

Electrostatic Simulations

  • Contains the COMSOL 5.5 files that generated the data depicted in Figure 1.
  • Contains the data depicted in Figure 1.
  • Contains all MATLAB scripts to generate Figure 1 from the data.
  • Contains all data depicted in Figure S3.
  • See the README.txt file for details

Optical Simulations

  • Contains the simulation files to generate the data depicted in Figure 2.
  • Contains the data depicted in Figure 2.
  • Contains the python scripts that simulated the optical field distribution within the LC ink.
  • Contains the resulting data
  • Contains the MATLAB scripts that generate Figure 2c and Figure 2d.
  • See the file for details
Power Ratios
  • Contains the MATHEMATICA notebook that was used to obtain analytical expressions for the transmission coefficients from an isotropic medium to a birefringent medium for a plane wave
  • Contains the MATLAB scripts that calculate the transmitted power of a focused gaussian beam
  • Contains the MATLAB scripts that generate Figure 2b.
  • See the README.txt file for details

Cite this as

Münchinger, Alexander (2023). Dataset: Multi-photon 4d printing of complex liquid crystalline microstructures by in situ alignment using electric fields.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Author Münchinger, Alexander
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2021
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Physics