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Oxygen isotopic and species composition of planktonic foraminiferas in sediment cores from the North Atlantic

Paleotemperature curves were drawn from oxygen-isotope ratios in CaCO3 of planktonic foraminiferal tests and by the micropaleontological method using quantitative relationships of their species. Two series of curves yield similar results. These data confirm that isotope composition of oxygen reflects primarily temperature, and not isotope composition in ocean water. Temperature of the upper layer of ocean water increased from north to south both during the last two glaciations and in the interglacials. All three sediment cores collected from different latitudes show approximately the same amplitudes of fluctuation of mean annual temperature during times of their accumulation, as determined independently by different methods; these amplitudes are estimated as 5-7°C.

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Cite this as

Barash, Max S, Nikolayev, Sergey D, Blyum, Natalia S (1973). Dataset: Oxygen isotopic and species composition of planktonic foraminiferas in sediment cores from the North Atlantic.

DOI retrieved: 1973

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Barash, Max S
Given Name Max S
Family Name Barash
More Authors
Nikolayev, Sergey D
Blyum, Natalia S
Source Creation 1973
Publication Year 1973
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Barash_1973
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Paleotemperature analysis of three sediment cores from the North Atlantic
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1973
Source: Oceanology
Authors: Barash Max S , Nikolayev Sergey D , Blyum Natalia S .