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Opencarp (v8.2)

Abstract: openCARP is an open cardiac electrophysiology simulator for in-silico experiments.

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openCARP consortium, Christoph Augustin, Luca Azzolin, Jason Bayer, Martin Bishop, Patrick M. Boyle, Federica Caforio, Fernando Campos, Caroline Mendonca Costa, Andrew Crozier, Thomas Fastl, Karli Gillette, Matthias Gsell, Marie Houillon, Marie Houillon, Yung-Lin (Cary) Huang, Elias Karabelas, Elias Karabelas, Axel Loewe, Laura Marx, Aurel Neic, Mark Nothstein, Gernot Plank, Anton Prassl, Gunnar Seemann, Jorge Sánchez, Ed Vigmond, Eike Moritz Wülfers (2022). Dataset: Opencarp (v8.2).

DOI retrieved: 2022

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update January 12, 2023
License Other
Author openCARP consortium
More Authors
Christoph Augustin
Luca Azzolin
Jason Bayer
Martin Bishop
Patrick M. Boyle
Federica Caforio
Fernando Campos
Caroline Mendonca Costa
Andrew Crozier
Thomas Fastl
Karli Gillette
Matthias Gsell
Marie Houillon
Marie Houillon
Yung-Lin (Cary) Huang
Elias Karabelas
Elias Karabelas
Axel Loewe
Laura Marx
Aurel Neic
Mark Nothstein
Gernot Plank
Anton Prassl
Gunnar Seemann
Jorge Sánchez
Ed Vigmond
Eike Moritz Wülfers
Source Creation 2022
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Production Year 2021
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type Software - Simulation code
Subject Areas
Name: Life Science

Name: Computer Science

Name: Medicine