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Metal distribution and Sr and Pb stable isotope ratios for sediment samples of ATAIR cruise AT261

Offshore wind energy is a steadily growing sector contributing to the worldwide energy production. The impact of these offshore constructions on the marine environment, however, remains unclear in many aspects. In fact, little is known about potential emissions from corrosion protection systems such as organic coatings or galvanic anodes composed of Al and Zn alloys, used to protect offshore structures. In order to assess potential chemical emissions from offshore wind farms and their impact on the marine environment water and sediment samples were taken in the surrounding and within different wind farms of the German Bight in April 2018 within the context of the Hereon-BSH project OffChEm. The surface sediment samples were taken by a box grab, homogenized, freeze-dried and wet-sieved to gain the <20 µm grain size fraction. The <20 µm grain size fraction was acid digested and measured by ICP-MS/MS for their (trace) metal mass fractions. The Sr and Pb isotope ratios were measured by MC ICP-MS after an automated matrix separation with a prepFAST MC system.

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Cite this as

Ebeling, Anna, Voigt, Nathalie, Pehlke, Carlotta, Rust, Bettina, Pieper, Andrea, Zimmermann, Tristan, Pröfrock, Daniel (2023). Dataset: Metal distribution and Sr and Pb stable isotope ratios for sediment samples of ATAIR cruise AT261.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Ebeling, Anna
Given Name Anna
Family Name Ebeling
More Authors
Voigt, Nathalie
Pehlke, Carlotta
Rust, Bettina
Pieper, Andrea
Zimmermann, Tristan
Pröfrock, Daniel
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: AT261_metal_sed
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Biosphere

Name: Ecology

Name: Oceans

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: Seawater and sediment data from offshore wind farms in the German Bight collected during the cruise AT261
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Ebeling Anna , Rust Bettina , Kretzschmann Lisett , Tewes Simon , Herbst Marcel , Kirchgeorg Torben , Weinberg Ingo , Pröfrock Daniel , Ebeling Anna , Wippermann Dominik , Zimmermann Tristan , Klein Ole , Kirchgeorg Torben , Weinberg Ingo , Hasenbein Simone , Plaß Anna , Pröfrock Daniel , Klein Ole , Zimmermann Tristan , Ebeling Anna , Kruse Madita , Kirchgeorg Torben , Pröfrock Daniel , Zimmermann Tristan , Kretzmann U , Schober M , Pröfrock Daniel , Prohaska T , Irrgeher Johanna , Zimmermann Tristan , von der Au Marcus , Reese Anna , Klein Ole , Hildebrandt Lars , Pröfrock Daniel .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin
Authors: Ebeling Anna , Rust Bettina , Kretzschmann Lisett , Tewes Simon , Herbst Marcel , Kirchgeorg Torben , Weinberg Ingo , Pröfrock Daniel , Ebeling Anna , Wippermann Dominik , Zimmermann Tristan , Klein Ole , Kirchgeorg Torben , Weinberg Ingo , Hasenbein Simone , Plaß Anna , Pröfrock Daniel , Klein Ole , Zimmermann Tristan , Ebeling Anna , Kruse Madita , Kirchgeorg Torben , Pröfrock Daniel , Zimmermann Tristan , Kretzmann U , Schober M , Pröfrock Daniel , Prohaska T , Irrgeher Johanna , Zimmermann Tristan , von der Au Marcus , Reese Anna , Klein Ole , Hildebrandt Lars , Pröfrock Daniel .

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Type: DOI
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Type: DOI
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Title: Substituting HF by HBF 4 – an optimized digestion method for multi-elemental sediment analysis via ICP-MS/MS
Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Source: Analytical Methods
Authors: Ebeling Anna , Rust Bettina , Kretzschmann Lisett , Tewes Simon , Herbst Marcel , Kirchgeorg Torben , Weinberg Ingo , Pröfrock Daniel , Ebeling Anna , Wippermann Dominik , Zimmermann Tristan , Klein Ole , Kirchgeorg Torben , Weinberg Ingo , Hasenbein Simone , Plaß Anna , Pröfrock Daniel , Klein Ole , Zimmermann Tristan , Ebeling Anna , Kruse Madita , Kirchgeorg Torben , Pröfrock Daniel , Zimmermann Tristan , Kretzmann U , Schober M , Pröfrock Daniel , Prohaska T , Irrgeher Johanna , Zimmermann Tristan , von der Au Marcus , Reese Anna , Klein Ole , Hildebrandt Lars , Pröfrock Daniel .