Planktic foraminiferal turnover across the Paleocene-Eocene transition in the Bay of Biscay, North Atlantic

Planktic foraminifera across the Paleocene-Eocene transition at DSDP Site 401 indicate that the benthic foraminiferal mass extinction occurred within Subzone P 6a of Berggren and Miller (1988), or PS of Berggren et al. (1995) and coincident with a sudden 2.0‰ excursion in 6r3C values. The benthic foraminiferal extinction event (BFEE) and Sr3C excursion was accompanied by a planktic foraminiferal turnover marked by an influx of warm water species (Morozovella and Acarinina), a decrease in cooler water species (Subbotina), a sudden short-term increase in low oxygen tolerant taxa (Chiloguembelina), and no significant species extinctions. These faunal changes suggest climatic warming, expansion of the oxygen minimum zone, and a well stratified ocean water column. Oxygen isotope data of the surface dweller M. subbotina suggest climate warming beginning with a gradual 0.5‰ decrease in delta180 in the 175 cm preceding the benthic foraminiferal extinction event followed by a sudden decrease of 1‰ (4°C) at the BFEE. The delta13C excursion occurred over 27 cm of sediment and, assuming constant sediment accumulation rates, represents a maximum of 23 ka. Recovery to pre-excursion delta13C values occurs within 172 cm, or about 144 ka. Climate cooling begins in Subzone P 6c as indicated by an increase in cooler water subbotinids and acarininids with rounded chambers and a decrease in warm water morozovellids.

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Pardo, Alfonso, Keller, Gerta, Molina, Eustoquio, Canudo, José I (1997). Dataset: Planktic foraminiferal turnover across the Paleocene-Eocene transition in the Bay of Biscay, North Atlantic.

DOI retrieved: 1997

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Pardo, Alfonso
Given Name Alfonso
Family Name Pardo
More Authors
Keller, Gerta
Molina, Eustoquio
Canudo, José I
Source Creation 1997
Publication Year 1997
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Pardo_plank_foram
Subject Areas
Name: Paleontology

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Title: Planktic foraminiferal turnover across the Paleocene-Eocene transition at DSDP Site 401, Bay of Biscay, North Atlantic
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1997
Source: Marine Micropaleontology
Authors: Pardo Alfonso , Keller Gerta , Molina Eustoquio , Canudo José I .