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Nutrient Data from CTD Nisken Bottles from Sonne Expedition SO-245 "UltraPac"

Nutrient data from Nisken Bottle samples collected and measured onboard Sonne Expedition SO-245 "UltraPac". Concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphate (PO43-), nitrite (NO2-), nitrate (NO3-), and silicate (Si) were measured with the QuAAtro39 autoanalyser (Seal Analytical) using the method based on Strickland and Parsons, 1972. OSIL Seawater Low-Nutrient Standards were used as a secondary standard to test primary standard calibrations. Low concentrations of dissolved phosphate (<300 nM) were determined with a long waveguide capillary cell (LWCC) set-up, which included a Traacs 800 pump and autosampler, a World-Precision 100 cm LWCC, an HL 2000 Lamp from Ocean Optics and a STS-VIS Miniatur Spectrophotometer from Ocean Optics. Minimum quantifiable limits were set at 2 times the Minimum Detection Limit given for the method. Oxygen was measured on selected samples by Winkler titration for the purpose of calibrating the CTD O2 sensor. Temperature, Salinity, Sigma-Theta, and Dissolved Oxygen data are included for information and derive originally from: Zielinski, Oliver; Henkel, Rohan; Voß, Daniela; Ferdelman, Timothy G (2018): Physical oceanography during SONNE cruise SO245 (UltraPac).PANGAEA,

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Cite this as

Ferdelman, Timothy G, Klockgether, Gabriele, Downes, Patrick, Lavik, Gaute (2019). Dataset: Nutrient Data from CTD Nisken Bottles from Sonne Expedition SO-245 "UltraPac".

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Field Value
Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Ferdelman, Timothy G
Given Name Timothy G
Family Name Ferdelman
More Authors
Klockgether, Gabriele
Downes, Patrick
Lavik, Gaute
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: SO245_CTD_UltraPac
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Related Identifiers
Title: RV SONNE SO245 Cruise Report / Fahrtbericht, Antofagasta, Chile: 17. December 2015, Wellington, New Zealand: 28. January 2016, SO245 - UltraPac: Process oriented biogeochemical, microbiological and ecological investigations of the ultraoligotrophic South Pacific Gyre
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2016
Source: Max-Planck-Institut für marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen
Authors: Ferdelman Timothy G .