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Arctic aboveground tundra biomass dynamics between 1982 and 2010

Numerous studies have evaluated the dynamics of Arctic tundra vegetation throughout the past few decades, using remotely sensed proxies of vegetation, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). While extremely useful, these coarse-scale satellite-derived measurements give us minimal information with regard to how these changes are being expressed on the ground, in terms of tundra structure and function. In this analysis, we used a strong regression model between NDVI and aboveground tundra phytomass, developed from extensive field-harvested measurements of vegetation biomass, to estimate the biomass dynamics of the circumpolar Arctic tundra over the period of continuous satellite records (1982-2010). We found that the southernmost tundra subzones (C-E) dominate the increases in biomass, ranging from 20 to 26%, although there was a high degree of heterogeneity across regions, floristic provinces, and vegetation types. The estimated increase in carbon of the aboveground live vegetation of 0.40 Pg C over the past three decades is substantial, although quite small relative to anthropogenic C emissions. However, a 19.8% average increase in aboveground biomass has major implications for nearly all aspects of tundra ecosystems including hydrology, active layer depths, permafrost regimes, wildlife and human use of Arctic landscapes. While spatially extensive on-the-ground measurements of tundra biomass were conducted in the development of this analysis, validation is still impossible without more repeated, long-term monitoring of Arctic tundra biomass in the field.

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Epstein, Howard E, Raynolds, Martha K, Walker, Donald A, Bhatt, Uma S, Tucker, Compton J, Pinzon, Jorge E (2012). Dataset: Arctic aboveground tundra biomass dynamics between 1982 and 2010.

DOI retrieved: 2012

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Epstein, Howard E
Given Name Howard E
Family Name Epstein
More Authors
Raynolds, Martha K
Walker, Donald A
Bhatt, Uma S
Tucker, Compton J
Pinzon, Jorge E
Source Creation 2012
Publication Year 2012
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Epstein_2012
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: Dynamics of aboveground phytomass of the circumpolar Arctic tundra during the past three decades
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2012
Source: Environmental Research Letters
Authors: Epstein Howard E , Raynolds Martha K , Walker Donald A , Bhatt Uma S , Tucker Compton J , Pinzon Jorge E .

Title: A new estimate of tundra-biome phytomass from trans-Arctic field data and AVHRR NDVI
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Remote Sensing Letters
Authors: Raynolds Martha K , Walker Donald A , Epstein Howard E , Pinzon Jorge E , Tucker Compton J , Walker Donald A , Epstein Howard E , Raynolds Martha K , Kuss Patrick , Kopecky M A , Frost Gerald V , Daniëls Frederikus J A , Leibman Marina O , Moskalenko Nataliya G , Matyshak George V , Khitun OV , Khomutov Artem V , Forbes Bruce C , Bhatt Uma S , Kade Anja N , Vonlanthen Corinne M , Tichy L , Walker Donald A , Kuss Patrick , Epstein Howard E , Kade Anja N , Vonlanthen Corinne M , Raynolds Martha K , Daniëls Frederikus J A .

Title: Environment, vegetation and greenness (NDVI) along the North America and Eurasia Arctic transects
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Environmental Research Letters
Authors: Raynolds Martha K , Walker Donald A , Epstein Howard E , Pinzon Jorge E , Tucker Compton J , Walker Donald A , Epstein Howard E , Raynolds Martha K , Kuss Patrick , Kopecky M A , Frost Gerald V , Daniëls Frederikus J A , Leibman Marina O , Moskalenko Nataliya G , Matyshak George V , Khitun OV , Khomutov Artem V , Forbes Bruce C , Bhatt Uma S , Kade Anja N , Vonlanthen Corinne M , Tichy L , Walker Donald A , Kuss Patrick , Epstein Howard E , Kade Anja N , Vonlanthen Corinne M , Raynolds Martha K , Daniëls Frederikus J A .

Title: Vegetation of zonal patterned-ground ecosystems along the North America Arctic bioclimate gradient
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2011
Source: Applied Vegetation Science
Authors: Raynolds Martha K , Walker Donald A , Epstein Howard E , Pinzon Jorge E , Tucker Compton J , Walker Donald A , Epstein Howard E , Raynolds Martha K , Kuss Patrick , Kopecky M A , Frost Gerald V , Daniëls Frederikus J A , Leibman Marina O , Moskalenko Nataliya G , Matyshak George V , Khitun OV , Khomutov Artem V , Forbes Bruce C , Bhatt Uma S , Kade Anja N , Vonlanthen Corinne M , Tichy L , Walker Donald A , Kuss Patrick , Epstein Howard E , Kade Anja N , Vonlanthen Corinne M , Raynolds Martha K , Daniëls Frederikus J A .