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Pigments at time series station DYNAPROC

Phytoplankton taxonomic pigments and primary production were measured at the JGOFS-France time-series station DYFAMED in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea during May 1995 to investigate changes in phytoplankton composition and the biogeochemical implications (DYNAPROC experiment). The study period covered the transitional situation from late spring bloom to pre-oligotrophic. The late spring bloom situation, occurring at the beginning of the study, revealed high chlorophyll a concentrations (maximum 3 mg/m3 at 30 m) and high primary production (maximum 497 mg C/m2/ 14 h). At the end of the experiment, the trophic regime shifted towards pre-oligotrophic and was characterized by lower chlorophyll a concentrations (<1 mg/m3), although primary production still remained high (659 mg C/m2/ 14 h). At termination of the spring bloom, the phytoplankton community was composed of chromophyte nanoflagellates (38±4%), diatoms (29±2%), cryptophytes (12±1%) and cyanobacteria (8±1%). During the transition to the pre-oligotrophic period, the contribution of small cells increased (e.g. cyanobacteria 18±2%, green flagellates 5±1%). Vertical profiles of pigments revealed a partition of the phytoplankton groups: cyanobacteria were most abundant in the surface layer, nanoflagellates containing 19'-HF+19'BF at the depth of chlorophyll maximum, whereas diatoms were located below the chlorophyll maximum. At termination of the spring bloom, a wind event induced vertical transport of nutrients into the euphotic layer. Phytoplankton groups responded differently to the event: initially, diatom concentrations increased (for 24 h) then rapidly decreased. In contrast, all others groups decreased just after the event. The long-term effect was a decrease of biomass of dominant groups (diatoms and chromophyte nanoflagellates), which accelerated the community succession and hence contributed to the oligotrophic transition.

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Vidussi, Francesca, Marty, Jean-Claude, Chiavérini, Jacques (2000). Dataset: Pigments at time series station DYNAPROC.

DOI retrieved: 2000

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Vidussi, Francesca
Given Name Francesca
Family Name Vidussi
More Authors
Marty, Jean-Claude
Chiavérini, Jacques
Source Creation 2000
Publication Year 2000
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Marty_2000
Subject Areas
Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Phytoplankton pigment variations during the transition from spring bloom to oligotrophy in the northwestern Mediterranean sea
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1999
Source: Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Authors: Vidussi Francesca , Marty Jean-Claude , Chiavérini Jacques .