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Macrofaunal communities in sediment core LL_2 from Lake Lucerne

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Fiskal, Annika (2021). Dataset: Macrofaunal communities in sediment core LL_2 from Lake Lucerne.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Fiskal, Annika
Given Name Annika
Family Name Fiskal
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: LL_2_macrofauna
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Fiskal Annika , Anthamatten Eva , Deng Longhui , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Michel Anja , Zhu Rong , Dubois Nathalie , Schubert Carsten J , Bernasconi Stefano M , Lever Mark A , Fiskal Annika , Deng Longhui , Michel Anja , Eickenbusch Philip , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Zhu Rong , Sander Michael , Schroth Martin H , Bernasconi Stefano M , Dubois Nathalie , Lever Mark A , Fiskal Annika , Deng Longhui , Michel Anja , Eickenbusch Philip , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Zhu Rong , Sander Michael , Schroth Martin H , Bernasconi Stefano M , Dubois Nathalie , Lever Mark A .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Fiskal Annika , Anthamatten Eva , Deng Longhui , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Michel Anja , Zhu Rong , Dubois Nathalie , Schubert Carsten J , Bernasconi Stefano M , Lever Mark A , Fiskal Annika , Deng Longhui , Michel Anja , Eickenbusch Philip , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Zhu Rong , Sander Michael , Schroth Martin H , Bernasconi Stefano M , Dubois Nathalie , Lever Mark A , Fiskal Annika , Deng Longhui , Michel Anja , Eickenbusch Philip , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Zhu Rong , Sander Michael , Schroth Martin H , Bernasconi Stefano M , Dubois Nathalie , Lever Mark A .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Authors: Fiskal Annika , Anthamatten Eva , Deng Longhui , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Michel Anja , Zhu Rong , Dubois Nathalie , Schubert Carsten J , Bernasconi Stefano M , Lever Mark A , Fiskal Annika , Deng Longhui , Michel Anja , Eickenbusch Philip , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Zhu Rong , Sander Michael , Schroth Martin H , Bernasconi Stefano M , Dubois Nathalie , Lever Mark A , Fiskal Annika , Deng Longhui , Michel Anja , Eickenbusch Philip , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Zhu Rong , Sander Michael , Schroth Martin H , Bernasconi Stefano M , Dubois Nathalie , Lever Mark A .