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Decadal averaged impurity data for the NEEM ice core

High resolution aerosol data from Greenland NGRIP and NEEM ice cores. All data was measured using continuous flow analysis with the Bern CFA system during the respective field campaigns. Data is provided at 1mm depth resolution and 10yr averages on the GICC05 age scale of the respective core.

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Erhardt, Tobias, Bigler, Matthias, Federer, Urs, Gfeller, Gideon, Leuenberger, Daiana, Stowasser, Olivia, Röthlisberger, Regine, Schüpbach, Simon, Ruth, Urs, Twarloh, Birthe, Wegner, Anna, Goto-Azuma, Kumiko, Takayuki, Kuramoto, Kjær, Helle Astrid, Vallelonga, Paul T, Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise, Hansson, Margareta E, Benton, Ailsa K, Fleet, Louise G, Mulvaney, Rob, Thomas, Elizabeth R, Abram, Nerilie J, Stocker, Thomas F, Fischer, Hubertus (2021). Dataset: Decadal averaged impurity data for the NEEM ice core.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Erhardt, Tobias
Given Name Tobias
Family Name Erhardt
More Authors
Bigler, Matthias
Federer, Urs
Gfeller, Gideon
Leuenberger, Daiana
Stowasser, Olivia
Röthlisberger, Regine
Schüpbach, Simon
Ruth, Urs
Twarloh, Birthe
Wegner, Anna
Goto-Azuma, Kumiko
Takayuki, Kuramoto
Kjær, Helle Astrid
Vallelonga, Paul T
Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise
Hansson, Margareta E
Benton, Ailsa K
Fleet, Louise G
Mulvaney, Rob
Thomas, Elizabeth R
Abram, Nerilie J
Stocker, Thomas F
Fischer, Hubertus
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: NEEM_CFA_10yr
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Related Identifiers
Title: A first chronology for the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) ice core
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Source: Climate of the Past
Authors: Rasmussen Sune Olander , Abbott Peter M , Blunier Thomas , Bourne Mark , Brook Edward J , Buchardt Susanne L , Buizert Christo , Chappellaz Jérôme A , Clausen Henrik Brink , Cook Eliza , Dahl-Jensen Dorthe , Davies Siwan M , Guillevic Myriam , Kipfstuhl Sepp , Laepple Thomas , Seierstad Inger K , Severinghaus Jeffrey P , Steffensen Jørgen Peder , Stowasser Christopher , Svensson Anders M , Vallelonga Paul T , Vinther Bo Møllesøe , Wilhelms Frank , Winstrup Mai .