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Experiment with crushed nodule substrate deposition for eleven days during SONNE cruise SO242/2

During Sonne cruise SO242-2 six steel rings were inserted into undisturbed sediment at the southern reference site of the DISCOL experimental area using ROV Kiel 6000 (GEOMAR). Subsequently, on three of these steel rings a sediment dispenser was deployed to distribute 250 mL of crushed nodule substrate onto the ring surface area resulting in an added layer of approximately 2 cm. The sediment dispensers were left on the steel rings for one night to allow settlement of all particles. After the incubation time of eleven days each steel ring was subsampled with push cores (7.4 cm inner diameter) which were sliced in different depth layers (added substrate layer, 0-1 cm,1-2 cm and 2-5 cm sediment depth). Samples form meiofauna analysis were fixed in formaldehyde while samples for analysis of environmental parameters were stored frozen. In addition to morphological meiofauna analyses, internal copper concentrations were measured in 6 nematodes exposed to the crushed nodule substrate and 12 nematodes from undisturbed sediment by means of ยต-X-ray fluorescence.

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Cite this as

Mevenkamp, Lisa, Guilini, Katja, Boetius, Antje, De Grave, Johan, Laforce, Brecht, Vandenberghe, Dimitri, Vincze, Laszlo, Vanreusel, Ann (2018). Dataset: Experiment with crushed nodule substrate deposition for eleven days during SONNE cruise SO242/2.

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Mevenkamp, Lisa
Given Name Lisa
Family Name Mevenkamp
More Authors
Guilini, Katja
Boetius, Antje
De Grave, Johan
Laforce, Brecht
Vandenberghe, Dimitri
Vincze, Laszlo
Vanreusel, Ann
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Mevenkamp-etal_2018
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Responses of an abyssal meiobenthic community to short-term burial with crushed nodule particles in the south-east Pacific
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2019
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Mevenkamp Lisa , Guilini Katja , Boetius Antje , De Grave Johan , Laforce Brecht , Vandenberghe Dimitri , Vincze Laszlo , Vanreusel Ann .

Title: RV SONNE Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO242-2: JPI OCEANS Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining, DISCOL Revisited, Guayaquil - Guayaquil (Equador), 28.08.-01.10.2015
Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Source: GEOMAR Report (N. Ser.)
Authors: Boetius Antje .