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Detecting clusters of relatedness between Countries-Indicators

CoyPu Knowledge Graph (KG) contains a huge amount of data about all the countries worldwide, including each country's performance based on thousands of indicators presented in the World Bank datasets. An indicator refers to a specific metric measuring a particular aspect of economic, social, or environmental development. We aim to detect communities of Country-Indicator and predict relationships between them. We follow a hybrid AI framework that employs inductive learning to identify a partitioning of nodes within a KG. The proposed framework comprises four design patterns describing the sub-systems that implement the tasks mentioned above toward solving the problem of detecting communities.

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Ariam Rivas, (2024). Dataset: Detecting clusters of relatedness between Countries-Indicators.

DOI retrieved: July 16, 2024

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Created July 16, 2024
Last update July 16, 2024
License notspecified: License not specified
Author Ariam Rivas
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