PSV records from Tangra Yumco and Taro Co (Tibetan Plateau)

Magnetostratigraphy has been serving as a valuable tool for dating and confirming chronologies of lacustrine sediments in many parts of the world. Suitable paleomagnetic records on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and adjacent areas are, however, extremely scarce. Here, we derive paleomagnetic records from independently radiocarbon-dated sediments from two lakes separated by 250 km on the southern central TP, Tangra Yumco and Taro Co. Studied through alternating field demagnetization of u-channel samples, characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) directions document similar inclination patterns in multiple sediment cores for the past 4000 years. Comparisons to an existing record from Nam Co, a lake 350 km east of Tangra Yumco, a varve-dated record from the Makran Accretionary Wedge, records from Lakes Issyk-Kul and Baikal, and a stack record from East Asia reveal many similarities in inclination. This regional similarity demonstrates the high potential of inclination to compare records over the Tibetan Plateau and eventually date other Tibetan records stratigraphically. PSV similarities over such a large area (>3000 km) suggest a large-scale core dynamic origin rather than small scale processes like drift of the non-dipole field often associated with PSV records.

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Haberzettl, Torsten, Henkel, Karoline, Kasper, Thomas, Ahlborn, Marieke, Su, Youliang, Wang, Junbo, Appel, Erwin, St-Onge, Guillaume, Stoner, Joseph S, Daut, Gerhard, Zhu, Liping, Mäusbacher, Roland (2015). Dataset: PSV records from Tangra Yumco and Taro Co (Tibetan Plateau).

DOI retrieved: 2015

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Haberzettl, Torsten
Given Name Torsten
Family Name Haberzettl
More Authors
Henkel, Karoline
Kasper, Thomas
Ahlborn, Marieke
Su, Youliang
Wang, Junbo
Appel, Erwin
St-Onge, Guillaume
Stoner, Joseph S
Daut, Gerhard
Zhu, Liping
Mäusbacher, Roland
Source Creation 2015
Publication Year 2015
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Haberzettl_2015
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

Related Identifiers
Title: Independently dated paleomagnetic secular variation records from the Tibetan Plateau
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2015
Source: Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Authors: Haberzettl Torsten , Henkel Karoline , Kasper Thomas , Ahlborn Marieke , Su Youliang , Wang Junbo , Appel Erwin , St-Onge Guillaume , Stoner Joseph S , Daut Gerhard , Zhu Liping , Mäusbacher Roland .