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WN18RR Benchmark

WN18RR is a link prediction dataset created from WN18, which is a subset of WordNet. WN18 consists of 18 relations and 40,943 entities. However, many text triples are obtained by inverting triples from the training set. Thus the WN18RR dataset is created to ensure that the evaluation dataset does not have inverse relation test leakage. In summary, WN18RR dataset contains 93,003 triples with 40,943 entities and 11 relation types.

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Tim Dettmers, Pasquale Minervini, Pontus Stenetorp, Sebastian Riedel (2024). Dataset: WN18RR Benchmark.

DOI retrieved: April 19, 2024

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Created April 19, 2024
Last update July 16, 2024
License notspecified: License not specified
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Author Tim Dettmers
More Authors
Pasquale Minervini
Pontus Stenetorp
Sebastian Riedel
Author Email Tim Dettmers