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Proglacial river dataset from the Akuliarusiarsuup Kuua River northern tributary, Southwest Greenland, 2008 - 2013, Version 2.0

The dataset contains measurements of river stage and discharge for one sites along the Akuliarusiarsuup Kuua River's northern tributary, with 30 minute temporal resolution between June 2008 and August 2013 This river is a tributary to the Watson River discharging into Kangerlussuaq Fjord by the town of Kangerlussuaq, Southwest Greenland. Additional data of water temperature, air pressure are also provided. Compared to version 1.0 of the dataset, this dataset used a total of 36 in situ discharge observations collected between 2008 and 2012 to construct the rating curve. Furthermore, data of Station AK-004-001 between 2010-09-06T11:30 to 2010-09-07T13:30 have been removed from version 2.0 because these values were likely caused by backflow when a jokulhlaup from a large glacier dammed lake caused increased water levels in the downstreams lake. Thus, data measured at AK-004-001 between 2010-09-06T11:30 to 2010-09-07T13:30 are not representative for the AK-004 catchment.

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Cite this as

Rennermalm, Asa K, Smith, Laurence C, Chu, Vena W, Moustafa, Samiah E, Pitcher, Lincoln, Gleason, Colin (2014). Dataset: Proglacial river dataset from the Akuliarusiarsuup Kuua River northern tributary, Southwest Greenland, 2008 - 2013, Version 2.0.

DOI retrieved: 2014

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Rennermalm, Asa K
Given Name Asa K
Family Name Rennermalm
More Authors
Smith, Laurence C
Chu, Vena W
Moustafa, Samiah E
Pitcher, Lincoln
Gleason, Colin
Source Creation 2014
Publication Year 2014
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Rennermalm_2014
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: River discharge at station AK-004-001, 2008 - 2016, version 3.0
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2017
Source: The State University of New Jersey
Authors: Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Hammann Arno C , Leidman Sasha Z , Cooper Matthew G , Cooley Sarah W , Pitcher Lincoln , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Chu Vena W , Forster Richard R , Box Jason E , Hagedorn Birgit , Tedesco Marco , Box Jason E , Cappelen J , Fettweis Xavier , Jensen T , Mote T L , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , van de Wal Roderik S W , Wahr John , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Chu Vena W , Forster Richard R , Box Jason E , Hagedorn Birgit .

Title: Proglacial river dataset from the Akuliarusiarsuup Kuua River northern tributary, Southwest Greenland, 2008 – 2010
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Source: Earth System Science Data
Authors: Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Hammann Arno C , Leidman Sasha Z , Cooper Matthew G , Cooley Sarah W , Pitcher Lincoln , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Chu Vena W , Forster Richard R , Box Jason E , Hagedorn Birgit , Tedesco Marco , Box Jason E , Cappelen J , Fettweis Xavier , Jensen T , Mote T L , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , van de Wal Roderik S W , Wahr John , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Chu Vena W , Forster Richard R , Box Jason E , Hagedorn Birgit .

Title: The Arctic: Greenland Ice Sheet in "State of the Climate 2013"
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2014
Source: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Authors: Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Hammann Arno C , Leidman Sasha Z , Cooper Matthew G , Cooley Sarah W , Pitcher Lincoln , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Chu Vena W , Forster Richard R , Box Jason E , Hagedorn Birgit , Tedesco Marco , Box Jason E , Cappelen J , Fettweis Xavier , Jensen T , Mote T L , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , van de Wal Roderik S W , Wahr John , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Chu Vena W , Forster Richard R , Box Jason E , Hagedorn Birgit .

Title: Proglacial river dataset from the Akuliarusiarsuup Kuua River northern tributary, Southwest Greenland, 2008 - 2010, version 1.0
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2012
Authors: Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Hammann Arno C , Leidman Sasha Z , Cooper Matthew G , Cooley Sarah W , Pitcher Lincoln , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Chu Vena W , Forster Richard R , Box Jason E , Hagedorn Birgit , Tedesco Marco , Box Jason E , Cappelen J , Fettweis Xavier , Jensen T , Mote T L , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , van de Wal Roderik S W , Wahr John , Rennermalm Asa K , Smith Laurence C , Chu Vena W , Forster Richard R , Box Jason E , Hagedorn Birgit .