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Accumation rates of manganese in pelagic sediments using Ericson paleontological boundaries

For 4 pelagic sediment cores taken in the Atlantic Ocean, Ericson's paleontologic boundaries X-Y (75 000 yr) and Y-Z (11 000 yr) were used. The age of the upper boundary was determined by 14C dating and that of the lower by extrapolation. Because CaCO3 is a Mn-free diluent, the Mn concentration results and the sediment accumulation rate results are given on a carbonate-free basis. CaCO3 content ofcores raised from below the carbonate compensation level is taken as zero. The in situ density of water-free deep-sea cores was assumed to be 0.7 g/cm³ , this could lead in some cases to an error.

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Cite this as

Bender, Michael L, Ku, Teh-Lung, Broecker, Wallace S (2022). Dataset: Accumation rates of manganese in pelagic sediments using Ericson paleontological boundaries.

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Bender, Michael L
Given Name Michael L
Family Name Bender
More Authors
Ku, Teh-Lung
Broecker, Wallace S
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Bender-etal_1970_T1p3
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Geophysics

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Accumulation rates of manganese in pelagic sediments and nodules
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1970
Source: Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Authors: Bender Michael L , Ku Teh-Lung , Broecker Wallace S , Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .

Title: The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1992
Source: National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA
Authors: Bender Michael L , Ku Teh-Lung , Broecker Wallace S , Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .

Title: The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1992
Source: National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA
Authors: Bender Michael L , Ku Teh-Lung , Broecker Wallace S , Grant John Bruce , Moore Carla J , Alameddin George , Chen Kuiying , Barton Mark , Warnken Robin R , Virden William T , Moore Carla J .