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Corel Geological Drafting Kit (CGDK) - an extensible CorelDRAW VBA program for geological drafting

Corel Geological Drafting Kit (CGDK), a program written in VBA, has been designed to assist geologists and geochemists with their drafting work. It obtains geological data from a running Excel application directly, and uses the data to plot geochemical diagrams and to construct stratigraphic columns. The software also contains functions for creating stereographic projections and rose diagrams, which can be used for spatial analysis, on a calibrated geological map. The user-friendly program has been tested to work with CorelDRAW 13 - 14 - 15 and Excel 2003 - 2007.

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Cite this as

Qiu, Jun-Ting, Song, Wan-Jiao, Jiang, Cheng-Xin, Wu, Han, Dong, Raymond M (2013). Dataset: Corel Geological Drafting Kit (CGDK) - an extensible CorelDRAW VBA program for geological drafting.

DOI retrieved: 2013

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-NC-3.0
Author Qiu, Jun-Ting
Given Name Jun-Ting
Family Name Qiu
More Authors
Song, Wan-Jiao
Jiang, Cheng-Xin
Wu, Han
Dong, Raymond M
Source Creation 2013
Publication Year 2013
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Qiu_2012
Subject Areas
Name: HumanDimensions

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: CGDK: An extensible CorelDRAW VBA program for geological drafting
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2013
Source: Computers & Geosciences
Authors: Qiu Jun-Ting , Song Wan-Jiao , Jiang Cheng-Xin , Wu Han , Dong Raymond M .

Title: CGDK V1.1
Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.39795.d003
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Authors: Qiu Jun-Ting .