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Critical bed shear stress and threshold of motion of maërl biogenic gravel

A determination of the critical bed shear stress of maerl is a prerequisite for quantifying its mobility, rate of erosion and deposition in conservation management. The critical bed shear stress for incipient motion has been determined for the first time for samples from biogenic free-living maerl beds in three contrasting environments (open marine, intertidal and beach) in Galway Bay, west of Ireland. The bed shear stress was determined using two methods, Law of the Wall and Turbulent Kinetic Energy, in a rotating annular flume and in a linear flume. The velocity profile of flowing water above a bed of natural maerl grains was measured in four runs of progressively increasing flow velocity until the flow exceeded the critical shear stress of grains on the bed. The critical Shields parameter and the mobility number are estimated and compared with the equivalent curves for natural quartz sand. The critical Shields parameters for the maerl particles from all three environments fall below the Shields curve. Along with a previously reported correlation between maerl grain shape and settling velocity, these results suggest that the highly irregular shapes also allow maerl grains to be mobilised more easily than quartz grains with the same sieve diameter. The intertidal beds with the roughest particles exhibit the greatest critical shear stress because the particle thalli interlock and resist entrainment. In samples with a high percentage of maerl and low percentage of siliciclastic sand, the lower density, lower settling velocity and lower critical bed shear stress of maerl results in its preferential transport over the siliciclastic sediment. At velocities ~10 cm s-1 higher than the threshold velocity of grain motion, rarely-documented subaqueous maerl dunes formed in the annular flume.

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Joshi, Siddhi, Duffy, Garret, Brown, Colin (2014). Dataset: Critical bed shear stress and threshold of motion of maërl biogenic gravel.

DOI retrieved: 2014

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0
Author Joshi, Siddhi
Given Name Siddhi
Family Name Joshi
More Authors
Duffy, Garret
Brown, Colin
Source Creation 2014
Publication Year 2014
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Joshi_2014
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Critical bed shear stress and threshold of motion of maerl biogenic gravel
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2017
Source: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Authors: Joshi Siddhi , Duffy Garret , Brown Colin .

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Type: DOI
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Year: 2014
Source: Journal of Sedimentary Research
Authors: Joshi Siddhi , Duffy Garret , Brown Colin .

Title: Video material of "Critical bed shear stress and threshold of motion of maërl biogenic gravel"
Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.44421.d001
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Joshi Siddhi , Duffy Garret , Brown Colin .