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Motion Planning using Reactive Circular Fields: A 2D Analysis of Collision Avoidance and Goal Convergence

In this repository, we provide the video files that show the simulations of the paper: "Motion Planning using Reactive Circular Fields: A 2D Analysis of Collision Avoidance and Goal Convergence". Each scenario is represented by one exemplary video for each planner. We also added a video showing a very coarse discretization for the prediction of our ICF planner in the 3D environment. The videos can be downloaded together as a zip. file or viewed in your browser. Additionally, we provide all parameters that were used in the simulations, including recommendations for the choice of relevant parameters of the CFP planner and the proof of the auxiliary Lemma 7.

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Cite this as

Marvin Becker, Johannes Köhler, Sami Haddadin and Matthias A. Müller (2023). Dataset: Motion Planning using Reactive Circular Fields: A 2D Analysis of Collision Avoidance and Goal Convergence.

DOI retrieved: May 10, 2023

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Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Marvin Becker
More Authors
Johannes Köhler
Sami Haddadin and Matthias A. Müller
Author Email Marvin Becker
Maintainer Marvin Becker
Maintainer Email Marvin Becker
Source Creation 10 May, 2023, 12:37 PM (UTC+0000)
Source Modified 23 May, 2023, 15:49 PM (UTC+0000)