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Whole-rock and mineral chemistry of magmatic rocks from the Nangqian basin (Eastern Tibet)

This dataset reports major and trace elements, Sr and Nd isotopic ratios, carbonate C and O isotopic ratios, and mineral chemistry of Eocene (~35 Ma) magmatic rocks from the Nangqian basin, Eastern Qiangtang, Central Tibet. Samples have microlithic to microphaneritic porphyritic textures. Trachydacites show K-feldspar, plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts in a matrix of feldspar + amphibole + biotite + quartz + oxides; tranchyandesites show clinopyroxene, apatite and resorbed biotite phenocrysts in a matrix of feldspar + clinopyroxene + oxides. One intrusive outcrop of porphyritic syenite was also sampled, composed of clinopyroxene and biotite phenocrysts in a matrix of feldspar + clinopyroxene + biotite + apatite + oxides. Whole-rock major and trace elements were measured at ISTerre, University Grenoble Alpes. The SARM-CRPG in Nancy and SEDISOR in Brest performed the whole-rock Sr and Nd isotope analyses. In-situ major-element compositions of mineral phases were obtained using the JEOL JXA-8230 Electron Microprobe at ISTerre, University Grenoble Alpes. Stable isotope analysis of carbonates was carried out in the stable isotope laboratory of Geoscience Rennes, CNRS-University of Rennes I. These geochemical data suggest that the source of the Eocene magmas in Nangqian was a H2O- and CO2-enriched lithospheric mantle. A full discussion of the results can be found in the related article.

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Goussin, Fanny, Cordier, Carole, Riel, Nicolas, Guillot, Stéphane, Boulvais, Philippe, Roperch, Pierrick, Replumaz, Anne, Schulmann, Karel, Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume, Rosas, Filipe, Zhaojie, Guo (2020). Dataset: Whole-rock and mineral chemistry of magmatic rocks from the Nangqian basin (Eastern Tibet).

DOI retrieved: 2020

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Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Goussin, Fanny
Given Name Fanny
Family Name Goussin
More Authors
Cordier, Carole
Riel, Nicolas
Guillot, Stéphane
Boulvais, Philippe
Roperch, Pierrick
Replumaz, Anne
Schulmann, Karel
Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume
Rosas, Filipe
Zhaojie, Guo
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Goussin_etal-2020
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Geophysics

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Carbonated inheritance in the Eastern Tibetan lithospheric mantle: petrological evidences and geodynamic implications
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Authors: Goussin Fanny , Cordier Carole , Riel Nicolas , Guillot Stéphane , Boulvais Philippe , Roperch Pierrick , Replumaz Anne , Schulmann Karel , Dupont-Nivet Guillaume , Rosas Filipe , Zhaojie Guo .