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Supplement to: Validation of a modeling methodology for wind turbine rotor blades based on a full scale blade test

Supplement to: Validation of a modeling methodology for wind turbine rotor blades based on a full scale blade test. Including: (a) Report, (b) experimental and simulation data sets and (c) finite element model.

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Cite this as

Pablo Noever-Castelos; Bernd Haller; Claudio Balzani (2021). Dataset: Supplement to: Validation of a modeling methodology for wind turbine rotor blades based on a full scale blade test.

DOI retrieved: October 18, 2021

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update January 12, 2023
License CC-BY-3.0
Version 1.0
Author Pablo Noever-Castelos; Bernd Haller; Claudio Balzani
Maintainer Pablo Noever-Castelos; Bernd Haller; Claudio Balzani
Maintainer Email Pablo Noever-Castelos; Bernd Haller; Claudio Balzani
Source Creation 18 October, 2021, 11:23 AM (UTC+0000)
Source Modified 20 January, 2022, 13:49 PM (UTC+0000)