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Composition of hydrothermal manganese oxide deposits from Galapagos mounds, DSDP Leg 70, Hole 509B

During DSDP Leg 70, a 1.60 m thick manganese oxide layer was sampled in hole 509B. This deposit is formed of alternating layers of hard plates of pure todorokite, about 2 mm thick, and of a more powdery material deeply impregnated with manganese oxide, about 3 mm thick. A SEM study of the plates and the associated powder shows that the powdery material is a transformation of a pre-existing sediment, while the plates are a direct precipitation from a hydrothermal solution. The uranium series disequilibrium method was used to determine the ages of the plates. They are found to be in good chronological sequence and in accordance with the sedimentation rate of the area (4.9 cm/10^3 years) which implies that they have been formed at the sediment-seawater interface during a pulsed injection of hydrothermal solution. The powder presents systematically an “older age” which is explained by a slowing down of the injection while the normal sediment settles; the older age is due to the 230Th excess of the sediment.

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Cite this as

Lalou, Claude, Brichet, Evelyne, Jehanno, Celestine, Perez-Leclaire, Heloise (1983). Dataset: Composition of hydrothermal manganese oxide deposits from Galapagos mounds, DSDP Leg 70, Hole 509B.

DOI retrieved: 1983

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Lalou, Claude
Given Name Claude
Family Name Lalou
More Authors
Brichet, Evelyne
Jehanno, Celestine
Perez-Leclaire, Heloise
Source Creation 1983
Publication Year 1983
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Lalou_1983
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

Related Identifiers
Title: Hydrothermal manganese oxide deposits from Galapagos mounds, DSDP Leg 70, hole 509B and Alvin dives 729 and 721
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1983
Source: Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Authors: Lalou Claude , Brichet Evelyne , Jehanno Celestine , Perez-Leclaire Heloise .