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Response of the microbial food web to a multi-stressor (increase in organic matter, grazing pressure and decrease in pH) effect in incubation experiments in the Mediterranean: Microcosm

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Kankus, Janset, Bizsel, Nihayet, Bizsel, Kemal Can, Besiktepe, Sengul, Leiknes, Øystein, Sanchez, Nicolas, Kuttivadakkethil Avarachen, Mathew, Tsagaraki, Tatiana M, Thingstad, Tron Frede, Hopwood, Mark James, King, Andrew L, Reggiani, Emanuele Roberto, Cuevas, L Antonio, Ardelan, Murat V (2020). Dataset: Response of the microbial food web to a multi-stressor (increase in organic matter, grazing pressure and decrease in pH) effect in incubation experiments in the Mediterranean: Microcosm.

DOI retrieved: 2020

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Kankus, Janset
Given Name Janset
Family Name Kankus
More Authors
Bizsel, Nihayet
Bizsel, Kemal Can
Besiktepe, Sengul
Leiknes, Øystein
Sanchez, Nicolas
Kuttivadakkethil Avarachen, Mathew
Tsagaraki, Tatiana M
Thingstad, Tron Frede
Hopwood, Mark James
King, Andrew L
Reggiani, Emanuele Roberto
Cuevas, L Antonio
Ardelan, Murat V
Source Creation 2020
Publication Year 2020
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: oc-med-multi
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

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