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Temperature effects on a plankton community from Helgoland Roads tested in an indoor mesocosm experiment in March 2022

To investigate the effect of temperature on a North Sea spring bloom community, we performed an incubation experiment in the mesocosm facility of the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) in Wilhelmshaven. The plankton community was sampled from the long-term ecological research station Helgoland Roads ( on the 6ᵗʰ of March, 2022. Collection of the surface community was conducted from the RV Heincke with a pipe covered with a 200 µm net that was attached to a diaphragm pump. The month-long incubation was started on the 7ᵗʰ of March in twelve indoor mesocosms, the Planktotrons (Gall et al., 2017). We chose three temperatures along the ascending part of the thermal performance curve (TPC) of the in situ community: the minimum temperature for positive growth (6°C, also the field temperature), the middle between the minimum and the optimum temperature (12 °C), and the optimum temperature for growth (18 °C). Ramping up the temperatures was conducted by 1 °C per day until the treatment temperatures were reached, resulting in a ramp phase (first twelve days) and a constant temperature phase. This dataset comprises all data collected within the experiment. Temperature, oxygen, pH, salinity, and in vivo fluorescence were measured daily at 10 am. Samples for dissolved nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate), chlorophyll a, DNA, particulate nutrients (biogenic silica, particulate organic carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus), as well as flow cytometric counts of bacteria (stained) and the unstained community were sampled every third day at the same time. The mesocosm water was generally filtered over a 200 µm mesh before sampling to exclude mesozooplankton. However, due to the appearance of large Phaeocystis colonies, additional samples without pre-filtration were taken for particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chlorophyll a starting on incubation day 15. PAR, total nitrogen and phosphorus as well as total alkalinity were measured at the start, in the middle, and at the end of the incubation. Samples for Mesozooplankton enumeration were taken and plankton species identified at the end of the experiment. All analysis scripts can be found on github ( The sequence data are available at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA).

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Cite this as

Ahme, Antonia, Happe, Anika, Striebel, Maren, Olsson, Markus, Kühne, Nancy, Giesler, Jakob, Sentimenti, Alexander, Schulte-Hillen, Ruben L, Cabrerizo, Marco J, Kline, Simon, Neun, Sebastian, Naus-Wiezer, Suzanne M, Rickels, Heike, Van de Waal, Dedmer B, Torres-Valdés, Sinhué, John, Uwe (2023). Dataset: Temperature effects on a plankton community from Helgoland Roads tested in an indoor mesocosm experiment in March 2022.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Ahme, Antonia
Given Name Antonia
Family Name Ahme
More Authors
Happe, Anika
Striebel, Maren
Olsson, Markus
Kühne, Nancy
Giesler, Jakob
Sentimenti, Alexander
Schulte-Hillen, Ruben L
Cabrerizo, Marco J
Kline, Simon
Neun, Sebastian
Naus-Wiezer, Suzanne M
Rickels, Heike
Van de Waal, Dedmer B
Torres-Valdés, Sinhué
John, Uwe
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: SOT22_Mesocosm_2022
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Chemistry

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Title: Thermal performance assay of a plankton community from Helgoland Roads for an indoor mesocosm experiment  in March 2022
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .

Title: 18S-metabarcoding data of an indoor mesocosm experiment testing the effect of temperature on a plankton community from Helgoland Roads, March 2022
Identifier: insdc:PRJEB72441
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)
Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .

Title: A comparison of the equilibrium constants for the dissociation of carbonic acid in seawater media
Type: DOI
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Year: 1987
Source: Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers
Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .

Title: Planktotrons: A novel indoor mesocosm facility for aquatic biodiversity and food web research
Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Source: Limnology and Oceanography-Methods
Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2009
Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .

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Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .

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Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .

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Year: 2012
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Authors: Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Giesler Jakob , Kline Simon , John Uwe , Ahme Antonia , Happe Anika , Striebel Maren , Olsson Markus , Kühne Nancy , Giesler Jakob , Sentimenti Alexander , Schulte-Hillen Ruben L , Cabrerizo Marco J , Kline Simon , Neun Sebastian , Naus-Wiezer Suzanne M , Rickels Heike , Van de Waal Dedmer B , Torres-Valdés Sinhué , John Uwe , Dickson Andrew G , Millero Frank J , Gall Andrea , Uebel Udo , Ebensen Uwe , Hillebrand Helmut , Meier Sandra , Singer Gabriel , Wacker Alexander , Striebel Maren , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Mehrbach C , Culberson C H , Hawley J E , Pytkowicx R M , Thrane Jan-Erik , Kyle Marcia , Striebel Maren , Haande Sigrid , Grung Merete , Rohrlack Thomas , Andersen Tom , Schmitt Francois G , Ahme Antonia , Pierrot D E , Lewis E , Wallace D W R .