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Higher-order time integration using spectral deferred correction method (sdc) in a cell by cell discretization of cardiac excitation

Abstract: This C++ code implements a cell-by-cell model of cardiac excitation using a piecewise-continuous finite element discretization and spectral deferred correction time stepping. The code is based on the Kaskade 7 finite element toolbox and forms a prototype for the µCarp code to be implemented in the Microcard project.

Cite this as

Weiser, Martin, Chegini, Fatemeh (2022). Dataset: Higher-order time integration using spectral deferred correction method (sdc) in a cell by cell discretization of cardiac excitation.

DOI retrieved: 2022

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License Other
Author Weiser, Martin
More Authors
Chegini, Fatemeh
Source Creation 2022
Martin Weiser, Fatemeh Chegini
Production Year 2021-2022
Publication Year 2022
Subject Areas
Name: Computer Science

Name: Mathematics