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Biogenic silica, TOC, CaCO3, and diatom records of sediment core MD02-2588

The hydrography of the Indian‐Atlantic Ocean gateway has been connected to high‐latitude climate dynamics by oceanic and atmospheric teleconnections on orbital and suborbital timescales. A wealth of sedimentary records aiming at reconstructing the late Pleistocene paleoceanography around the southern African continent has been devoted to understanding these linkages. Most of the records are, however, clustered close to the southern South African tip, with comparatively less attention devoted to areas under the direct influence of frontal zones of the Southern Ocean/South Atlantic. Here we present data of the composition and concentration of the diatom assemblage together with bulk biogenic content and the alkenone‐based sea surface temperature (SST) variations for the past 350 kyr in the marine sediment core MD02‐2588 (approximately 41°S, 26°E) recovered from the southern Agulhas Plateau. Variations in biosiliceous productivity show a varying degree of coupling with Southern Hemisphere paleoclimate records following a glacial‐interglacial cyclicity. Ecologically well‐constrained groups of diatoms record the glacial‐interglacial changes in water masses dynamics, nutrient availability, and stratification of the upper ocean. The good match between the glacial maxima of total diatoms concentration, Chaetoceros spores abundance, and opal content with the maximum seasonal cover of Antarctic ice and the atmospheric dust records points to a dominant Southern Hemisphere forcing of diatom production. Suborbital variability of SST suggests rapid latitudinal migrations of the Subtropical Front and associated water masses over the southern Agulhas Plateau, following millennial contractions and expansions of the subtropical gyres. Warmings of the upper ocean over site MD02‐2588 during terminations IV to I occurred earlier than that in the Antarctic Vostok, which is indicative of a Northern Hemisphere lead. Our multiparameter reconstruction highlights how high‐latitude atmospheric and hydrographic processes modulated orbital highs and lows in primary production and SST as triggered by northward transport of Si, eolian dust input, and latitudinal migrations of frontal zones.

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Romero, Oscar E, Kim, Ji-Hoon, Bárcena, María Angeles, Hall, Ian R, Zahn, Rainer, Schneider, Ralph R (2018). Dataset: Biogenic silica, TOC, CaCO3, and diatom records of sediment core MD02-2588.

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Romero, Oscar E
Given Name Oscar E
Family Name Romero
More Authors
Kim, Ji-Hoon
Bárcena, María Angeles
Hall, Ian R
Zahn, Rainer
Schneider, Ralph R
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Romero-etal_2015
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: High-latitude forcing of diatom productivity in the southern Agulhas Plateau during the past 350 kyr
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2015
Source: Paleoceanography
Authors: Romero Oscar E , Kim Ji-Hoon , Bárcena María Angeles , Hall Ian R , Zahn Rainer , Schneider Ralph R .