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Presence and absence records of sea star species (class: Asteroidea) from trawl, grab and trap samples in the Weddell Sea and western Antarctic Peninsula region during POLARSTERN cruises ANT-I/2, ANT-II/4, ANT-V/3, ANT-VI/3, ANT-XV/3 and ANT-XVII/3

The dataset comprises a total of 7,134 records of presence and absence for 87 sea star taxa (84 % on species level, 16 % others) from 72 trawl samples (Agassiz trawl, bottom trawl, Rauschert dredge, epibenthic sledge) and 10 others (multi-box corer, giant box corer, amphipod trap, fish trap, CTD logger). The dataset was collected in the Antarctic Weddell Sea and western Antarctic Peninsula (depth range: 94 - 1353 m) during “Polarstern” cruises ANT I/2 (1983), ANT II/4 (1983/84), ANT V/3 (1987), ANT VI/3 (1987/88), ANT XV/3 (1998) and ANT XVII/3 (2000).

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Teschke, Katharina, Brey, Thomas (2019). Dataset: Presence and absence records of sea star species (class: Asteroidea) from trawl, grab and trap samples in the Weddell Sea and western Antarctic Peninsula region during POLARSTERN cruises ANT-I/2, ANT-II/4, ANT-V/3, ANT-VI/3, ANT-XV/3 and ANT-XVII/3.

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Teschke, Katharina
Given Name Katharina
Family Name Teschke
More Authors
Brey, Thomas
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Teschke-Brey_2019_Asteroidea
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
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Source: Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research
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Title: The Expedition ANTARKTIS XV/3 (EASIZ II) of RV Polarstern in 1998
Type: DOI
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Source: Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research
Authors: Arntz Wolf E , Brey Thomas , Arntz Wolf E , Gutt Julian , Drescher Hans-Eberhard , Hubold Gerd , Piatkowski Uwe , Plötz Joachim , Voß Jochen , Fütterer Dieter K , Kohnen Heinz , Schnack-Schiel Sigrid B .

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Authors: Arntz Wolf E , Brey Thomas , Arntz Wolf E , Gutt Julian , Drescher Hans-Eberhard , Hubold Gerd , Piatkowski Uwe , Plötz Joachim , Voß Jochen , Fütterer Dieter K , Kohnen Heinz , Schnack-Schiel Sigrid B .

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Type: DOI
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