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Coccolith species abundances in sediment core GeoB11035-1 from the NW Iberian continental margin for the past 55 ka

Coccolithophore assemblage data from sediment core GeoB11035-1 from the NW Iberian continental margin for the past 55 ka. The assemblage data were used to assess changes in biodiversity and assemblage composition during the past 24 ka, i.e., from the Last Glacial Maximum to the current warm period covering the last deglaciation. Samples were analysed at 0.5-10 cm intervals and were prepared using a combined dilution/filtering technique as described by Andruleit (1996, doi:10.2307/1485964). Between 50 and 120 mg of dry bulk sediment was brought into suspension using demineralized water buffered with ammonia (pH ~ 8.5-9). The suspension was ultrasonicated for 15 to 30 s, split (split factor = 100) using a rotary splitter and filtered onto polycarbonate membrane filters (0.4 µm pore size) using a vacuum pump. Samples were dried at 40°C for 24 h before ~1x1 cm filter aliquots were mounted on an aluminium stub that was prepared with electroconductive, self-adhesive, carbon-based discs (PLANO Leit tabs). The mounted samples were sputtered with gold/palladium in a Polaron SC7640 Sputter Coater. Coccolith counts (N) were made manually using a Zeiss DSM 940A scanning electron microscope at 3,000x magnification. Where possible, a minimum of 300 coccoliths were counted. In some samples fewer coccoliths were counted due to low abundances. Sample mass (m), magnification, split factor (k) and the area of the scanned transect (A) and the filter (F) are given for all samples to allow calculation of the concentration of coccoliths per gram of dry bulk sediment, which was calculated using: (FN)/(kA*m). Coccolithophore taxonomy follows Young et al. (2003, doi:10.58998/jnr2297). Species not reported in the data are assumed to be absent (that is, zero abundance). Two subspecies of Coccolithus pelagicus were distinguished: Coccolithus pelagicus susp. pelagicus and Coccolithus pelagicus susp. braarudii as well as two subspecies of Calcidiscus leptoporus: Calcidiscus leptoporus subsp. quadriperforatus and Calcidiscus leptoporus subsp. leptoporus. Calcidiscus leptoporus subsp. leptoporus was further subdivided into small (= 5 µm) specimens. Counts of unidentified and reworked specimens are given. The chronology of the time series presented here was revised using a similar approach as in the PALMOD 130k marine palaeoclimate data synthesis V1.1 (Jonkers et al., 2020, doi:10.5194/essd-12-1053-2020). It is based on radiocarbon ages measured on the planktonic foraminifera G. bulloides (>250 µm) and tie points between the Ca/Ti record with the GISP II δ18O record (Bender et al., 2012, doi:10.1007/s00367-012-0282-2).

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Baumann, Karl-Heinz, Stolz, Katharina (2024). Dataset: Coccolith species abundances in sediment core GeoB11035-1 from the NW Iberian continental margin for the past 55 ka.

DOI retrieved: 2024

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Baumann, Karl-Heinz
Given Name Karl-Heinz
Family Name Baumann
More Authors
Stolz, Katharina
Source Creation 2024
Publication Year 2024
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: GeoB11035-1_coccolith_abund
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Paleontology