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Dataset accompanying "how much demand side flexibility do we need? - analyzing where to exploit flexibility in industrial processes"

TechnicalRemarks: This data accompanies the Paper "How much demand side flexibility do we need? - Analyzing where to exploit flexibility in industrial processes".[0]

The raw data which this data set is based on, is the HIPE dataset[1], which can be found at . In the accompanying publication, you can find an in-depth description of the data, how it was gathered, what types of machines were covered, etc.

This data package contains:

  • The instances of the four test sets in [0]. These can be found in the subfolder "instances". The "PS_Nonuniform", "PS_Uniform", "PSG" and "OM" subfolders contain the 450 instances of each set, one instance per file. The file format is explained in the "file_format.{md, html, pdf}" files.

  • Information about our computational results as a SQLite3 database in the "results" subfolder. Information about the database structure can be found in the "db_structure.{md, html, pdf}" files.

[0] Lukas Barth, Veit Hagenmeyer, Nicole Ludwig, and Dorothea Wagner. 2018. How much demand side flexibility do we need? Analyzing where to exploit flexibility in industrial processes. In Proceedings of ACM eEnergy Conference (eEnergy’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 20 pages. (to appear)

[1] Simon Bischof, Holger Trittenbach, Michael Vollmer, Dominik Werle, Thomas Blank, and Klemens Böhm. 2018. HIPE – an Energy-Status-Data Set from Industrial Production. In Proceedings of ACM e-Energy (e-Energy ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. (to appear)

Cite this as

Barth, Lukas, Hagenmeyer, Veit, Ludwig, Nicole, Wagner, Dorothea (2023). Dataset: Dataset accompanying "how much demand side flexibility do we need? - analyzing where to exploit flexibility in industrial processes".

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on August 4, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Author Barth, Lukas
More Authors
Hagenmeyer, Veit
Ludwig, Nicole
Wagner, Dorothea
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2018
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Computer Science