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Till and glaciomarine surface sediments of Hudson Strait

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Andrews, John T, Roth, Wendy, Piper, David J W (2023). Dataset: Till and glaciomarine surface sediments of Hudson Strait.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Andrews, John T
Given Name John T
Family Name Andrews
More Authors
Roth, Wendy
Piper, David J W
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: T1_Hudson_surface_sed
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
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Year: 2001
Source: Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Canada
Authors: Gray James T , Gray James T , Lauriol Bernard , Manley William F , Manley William F , Manley William F , Miller Gifford H , Miller Gifford H , Locke W W , Locke G W .

Title: Dynamics of the Late Wisconsin Ice Sheet in the Ungava Peninsula interpreted from geomoprhological evidence
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1985
Source: Arctic and Alpine Research
Authors: Gray James T , Gray James T , Lauriol Bernard , Manley William F , Manley William F , Manley William F , Miller Gifford H , Miller Gifford H , Locke W W , Locke G W .

Title: Late-glacial flow patterns, deglaciation, and postglacial emergence of south-central Baffin Island and the north-central coast of Hudson Strait, eastern Canadian Arctic
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Year: 1996
Source: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Authors: Gray James T , Gray James T , Lauriol Bernard , Manley William F , Manley William F , Manley William F , Miller Gifford H , Miller Gifford H , Locke W W , Locke G W .

Title: Late-glacial flow patterns, deglaciation, and postglacial emergence of south-central Baffin Island and the north-central coast of Hudson Strait, eastern Canadian Arctic
Type: DOI
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Year: 1996
Source: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Authors: Gray James T , Gray James T , Lauriol Bernard , Manley William F , Manley William F , Manley William F , Miller Gifford H , Miller Gifford H , Locke W W , Locke G W .

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Year: 1996
Source: Occasional paper / University of Colorado, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Authors: Gray James T , Gray James T , Lauriol Bernard , Manley William F , Manley William F , Manley William F , Miller Gifford H , Miller Gifford H , Locke W W , Locke G W .

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Year: 1980
Source: Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin
Authors: Gray James T , Gray James T , Lauriol Bernard , Manley William F , Manley William F , Manley William F , Miller Gifford H , Miller Gifford H , Locke W W , Locke G W .