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Core incubation macronutrient data from Greenland margin and the Labrador Sea

The dataset contains core incubation macronutrient (nitrate+nitrite, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate) concentration measurements, obtained from seven sediment cores collected from the Greenland margin and the Labrador Sea. Porewaters were extracted from the sediment cores using Rhizon samplers and frozen for transport. The frozen samples were thawed according to GoSHIP protocols and analysed for inorganic macronutrients using a SEAL analytical AAIII segmented flow colorimetric auto-analyser. Seawater nutrient reference materials (KANSO Ltd. Japan) were also analysed to check analyser performance and to guarantee the quality control of the final reported data. The typical uncertainty of the analytical results were between 2-3%, and the limits of detection for nitrate and phosphate were 0.02 mmol/m3, and 0.01 mmol/m3 for nitrite. For full methods and analytical quality control, see Hendry et al., 2019. The samples were collected as part of the European Research Council project ICY-LAB (ERC-2015-STG grant agreement number 678371).

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Hendry, Katharine R, Woodward, E Malcolm S (2023). Dataset: Core incubation macronutrient data from Greenland margin and the Labrador Sea.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Hendry, Katharine R
Given Name Katharine R
Family Name Hendry
More Authors
Woodward, E Malcolm S
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: DY081_core_incub
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: The biogeochemical impact of glacial meltwater from Southwest Greenland
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: Progress in Oceanography
Authors: Hendry Katharine R , Huvenne Veerle A I , Robinson Laura F , Annett Amber , Badger Marcus P S , Jacobel Allison W , Ng Hong Chin , Opher Jacob , Pickering Rebecca A , Taylor Michelle L , Bates Stephanie L , Cooper Adam , Cushman Grace G , Goodwin Claire , Hoy Shannon Kelsey , Rowland George Henry , Samperiz Ana , Williams James A , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Arrowsmith Carol , Brearley J Alexander , Henley Sian Frances , Krause Jeffrey W , Leng Melanie J , Li Tao , McManus Jerry F , Meredith Michael P , Perkins Rupert , Woodward E Malcolm S .

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Type: DOI
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Authors: Hendry Katharine R , Huvenne Veerle A I , Robinson Laura F , Annett Amber , Badger Marcus P S , Jacobel Allison W , Ng Hong Chin , Opher Jacob , Pickering Rebecca A , Taylor Michelle L , Bates Stephanie L , Cooper Adam , Cushman Grace G , Goodwin Claire , Hoy Shannon Kelsey , Rowland George Henry , Samperiz Ana , Williams James A , Achterberg Eric Pieter , Arrowsmith Carol , Brearley J Alexander , Henley Sian Frances , Krause Jeffrey W , Leng Melanie J , Li Tao , McManus Jerry F , Meredith Michael P , Perkins Rupert , Woodward E Malcolm S .