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Time lapse camera pictures at Samoylov, LTO, 2002-2017

This dataset contains time lapse pictures for the periode from 2006 to 2018, which shows the land surface in the area around the installed instruments of the related publication and datasets.

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Cite this as

Boike, Julia, Nitzbon, Jan, Anders, Katharina, Grigoriev, Mikhail N, Bolshiyanov, Dimitry Yu, Langer, Moritz, Lange, Stephan, Bornemann, Niko, Morgenstern, Anne, Schreiber, Peter, Wille, Christian, Chadburn, Sarah, Gouttevin, Isabelle, Kutzbach, Lars (2018). Dataset: Time lapse camera pictures at Samoylov, LTO, 2002-2017.

DOI retrieved: 2018

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Boike, Julia
Given Name Julia
Family Name Boike
More Authors
Nitzbon, Jan
Anders, Katharina
Grigoriev, Mikhail N
Bolshiyanov, Dimitry Yu
Langer, Moritz
Lange, Stephan
Bornemann, Niko
Morgenstern, Anne
Schreiber, Peter
Wille, Christian
Chadburn, Sarah
Gouttevin, Isabelle
Kutzbach, Lars
Source Creation 2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Samoylov_camera
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: A 16-year record (2002–2017) of permafrost, active-layer, and meteorological conditions at the Samoylov Island Arctic permafrost research site, Lena River delta, northern Siberia: an opportunity to validate remote-sensing data and land surface, snow, and permafrost models
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2019
Source: Earth System Science Data
Authors: Boike Julia , Nitzbon Jan , Anders Katharina , Grigoriev Mikhail N , Bolshiyanov Dimitry Yu , Langer Moritz , Lange Stephan , Bornemann Niko , Morgenstern Anne , Schreiber Peter , Wille Christian , Chadburn Sarah , Gouttevin Isabelle , Burke Eleanor J , Kutzbach Lars .

Title: Measurements in soil and air at Samoylov Station (2002-2018)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2018
Authors: Boike Julia , Nitzbon Jan , Anders Katharina , Grigoriev Mikhail N , Bolshiyanov Dimitry Yu , Langer Moritz , Lange Stephan , Bornemann Niko , Morgenstern Anne , Schreiber Peter , Wille Christian , Chadburn Sarah , Gouttevin Isabelle , Kutzbach Lars , Miesner Frederieke , Grünberg Inge , Bornemann Niko , Boike Julia .

Title: Images from two time-lapse cameras at the permafrost longterm observatory at Samoylov station (2018 – 2021), Lena River Delta, Siberia
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2024
Authors: Boike Julia , Nitzbon Jan , Anders Katharina , Grigoriev Mikhail N , Bolshiyanov Dimitry Yu , Langer Moritz , Lange Stephan , Bornemann Niko , Morgenstern Anne , Schreiber Peter , Wille Christian , Chadburn Sarah , Gouttevin Isabelle , Kutzbach Lars , Miesner Frederieke , Grünberg Inge , Bornemann Niko , Boike Julia .