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Normalized 14C activity ratios (F14C) of an African baobab (Adansonia digitata) tree from Oman

Calender dating and annual character of the baobab's growth rings was confirmed by matching of highly resolved data of normalized 14C activity ratios (F14C) with the bomb peak.

Normalized 14C activity ratio (F14C) data was determined at ETH Zürich, Dep. of Earth Sciences, Labor für Ionenstrahlphysik (LIP) and was obtained from cellulose extracted with a base-acid-base-acid-bleaching procedure after (Němec et al., 2010). Cellulose samples were graphitized using an Automated Graphitization Equipment (AGE III) coupled to an elemental analyzer (EA: Vario MICRO cube; Wacker et al., 2010). Once graphitized, the samples were immediately pressed into targets to minimize their interaction with air and their 14C content was measured with a MICADAS mass spectrometer (Wacker et al., 2010a). With intention to minimize possible carry-over effects from the implementation of previous years' non-structural carbohydrates into the current year's wood cellulose, the samples for dating were selected from the last third of each growth ring structure and comprised fibres and vessels while steering clear of terminal parenchyma bands (TPB)which usually complete each Baobab tree ring. 5 individual TPBs were analyzed for 1960-1963 (n = 4) and for 2005. In addition, intra-tree-ring F14C analysis was performed on the tree rings of 1962 (6 samples) and 1963 (8 samples).

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Cite this as

Slotta, Franziska, Wacker, Lukas, Riedel, Frank, Heussner, Karl-Uwe, Hartmann, Kai, Helle, Gerhard (2019). Dataset: Normalized 14C activity ratios (F14C) of an African baobab (Adansonia digitata) tree from Oman.

DOI retrieved: 2019

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Author Slotta, Franziska
Given Name Franziska
Family Name Slotta
More Authors
Wacker, Lukas
Riedel, Frank
Heussner, Karl-Uwe
Hartmann, Kai
Helle, Gerhard
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Wadi_Hinna_Adansonia_F14C
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: High-resolution <sup>14</sup>C bomb peak dating and climate response analyses of subseasonal stable isotope signals in wood of the African baobab – a case study from Oman
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Slotta Franziska , Wacker Lukas , Riedel Frank , Heussner Karl-Uwe , Hartmann Kai , Helle Gerhard , Němec Mojmír , Wacker Lukas , Hajdas Irka , Gäggeler Heinz , Wacker Lukas , Bonani G , Friedrich M , Hajdas Irka , Kromer Bernd , Nemec N , Ruff M , Suter M , Synal Hans-Arno , Vockenhuber C , Wacker Lukas , Němec Mojmír , Bourquin J .

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Source: Radiocarbon
Authors: Slotta Franziska , Wacker Lukas , Riedel Frank , Heussner Karl-Uwe , Hartmann Kai , Helle Gerhard , Němec Mojmír , Wacker Lukas , Hajdas Irka , Gäggeler Heinz , Wacker Lukas , Bonani G , Friedrich M , Hajdas Irka , Kromer Bernd , Nemec N , Ruff M , Suter M , Synal Hans-Arno , Vockenhuber C , Wacker Lukas , Němec Mojmír , Bourquin J .

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Type: DOI
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Source: Radiocarbon
Authors: Slotta Franziska , Wacker Lukas , Riedel Frank , Heussner Karl-Uwe , Hartmann Kai , Helle Gerhard , Němec Mojmír , Wacker Lukas , Hajdas Irka , Gäggeler Heinz , Wacker Lukas , Bonani G , Friedrich M , Hajdas Irka , Kromer Bernd , Nemec N , Ruff M , Suter M , Synal Hans-Arno , Vockenhuber C , Wacker Lukas , Němec Mojmír , Bourquin J .

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Authors: Slotta Franziska , Wacker Lukas , Riedel Frank , Heussner Karl-Uwe , Hartmann Kai , Helle Gerhard , Němec Mojmír , Wacker Lukas , Hajdas Irka , Gäggeler Heinz , Wacker Lukas , Bonani G , Friedrich M , Hajdas Irka , Kromer Bernd , Nemec N , Ruff M , Suter M , Synal Hans-Arno , Vockenhuber C , Wacker Lukas , Němec Mojmír , Bourquin J .