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Seawater carbonate chemistry, growth rate and morphology of Calcidiscus leptoporus (RCC1135) during experiments, 2011

The coccolithophore Calcidiscus leptoporus (strain RCC1135) was grown in dilute batch culture at CO2 levels ranging from ~200 to ~1600 µatm. Increasing CO2 concentration led to an increased percentage of malformed coccoliths and eventually (at ~1500 µatm CO2) to aggregation of cells. Carbonate chemistry of natural seawater was manipulated in three ways: first, addition of acid; second, addition of a HCO3/CO3 solution; and third, addition of both acid and HCO3/CO3 solution. The data set allowed the disentangling of putative effects of the different parameters of the carbonate system. It is concluded that CO2 is the parameter of the carbonate system which causes both aberrant coccolithogenesis and aggregation of cells.

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Langer, Gerald, Bode, Maya (2011). Dataset: Seawater carbonate chemistry, growth rate and morphology of Calcidiscus leptoporus (RCC1135) during experiments, 2011.

DOI retrieved: 2011

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Langer, Gerald
Given Name Gerald
Family Name Langer
More Authors
Bode, Maya
Source Creation 2011
Publication Year 2011
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Langer_2011_GGG
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Chemistry

Name: Geophysics

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: CO2 mediation of adverse effects of seawater acidification in Calcidiscus leptoporus
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2011
Source: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Authors: Langer Gerald , Bode Maya .