VisDA dataset for UDA
The VisDA dataset is a large-scale dataset for unsupervised domain adaptation, which consists of 152,397 synthetic images and 55,388 real-world images from the real world. -
Office-Home dataset for UDA
The Office-Home dataset is a dataset for unsupervised domain adaptation, which consists of 15,500 images from 65 classes in 4 distinct domains: Artistic images (Ar), Clip-Art... -
Office-31 dataset for UDA
The Office-31 dataset is a widely-used dataset for UDA, which consists of 4652 images of 31 categories from three domains: DSLR (D), Amazon (A), and Webcam (W). -
ALEX : Active Learning based Enhancement of a Model’s EX plainability
An active learning (AL) algorithm seeks to construct an effective classifier with a minimal number of labeled examples in a boot-strapping manner. -
ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) dataset
The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) dataset is a large-scale image classification dataset. It contains over 14 million images from 21,841 categories. -
STL-10 dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of images from the STL-10 dataset, preprocessed and used for training and evaluation of the proposed diffusion spectral entropy... -
CIFAR100, ImageNet100, and ImageNet
The dataset used in the paper is CIFAR100, ImageNet100, and ImageNet. CIFAR100 consists of 100 object classes and 60,000 images. ImageNet100 has 100 object classes and 60,000... -
ImageNet ILSVRC2012 dataset
The dataset used in the experiment was the ImageNet ILSVRC2012 dataset [24]. It has 1,000 classes and about 1.2 million total images. -
OpenImagesV4 Dataset
The OpenImagesV4 dataset is a large benchmark dataset for object detection and image classification. It contains 1.7 million images with 1,000 object classes. -
BAM dataset for attribution methods
A semi-natural image dataset (BAM dataset) for evaluating attribution methods, constructed by pasting object pixels from MSCOCO into scene images from MiniPlaces. -
SPANet: Salient Positions-based Attention Network for Image Classification
The proposed SPANet selectively gathers contextual information from the salient positions in the low level and stops the error drift between network layers. -
MNIST database of handwritten digits
The MNIST handwritten digit database is a dataset of 60,000 training and 10,000 test examples of handwritten digit images. -
Autoencoder Trees
The MNIST handwritten digit database and the 20Newsgroups data set are used to evaluate the proposed autoencoder tree model. -
CIFAR10, CIFAR100, Vireo172, and NUS-WIDE
The dataset used in this paper is CIFAR10, CIFAR100, Vireo172, and NUS-WIDE. -
Perturbation Benchmark
The dataset used in this paper is a perturbation benchmark containing nineteen common corruptions and five adversarial attacks.